你们学校就广告在我们生活中的作用进行了一场辩论赛,一方认为广告有益,一方认为 广告无益。请你分别以...

你们学校就广告在我们生活中的作用进行了一场辩论赛,一方认为广告有益,一方认为 广告无益。请你分别以正方和反方的身份阐明自己的观点,词数80左右。 写一篇英语短文 急用! ! ! !

第1个回答  2013-04-03
Today, our school held a debate. Square view is that advertising is useful for our life. Arguing against the view that advertising is useless for our lives. Square said advertising allows us to find out more, and make our lives more interesting, let us extend our vision. The opposition said is to rely on the quality of the product, should not be advertised, advertising is only a fleeting thing on TV ... ... Finally, the victory square. I think square is better!
