
1 刚刚我在听音乐,没有听到敲门声

2 我戴着耳机在网上看电影,没有听到你敲门

3 我刚才在做饭 / 刚才在洗澡,没有听到手机响

4 你打来电话的时候,我正在看电视。所以没听到手机响。

5 你怎么不敲门,就进来呢?

6 这车的油箱容积多大? / 这车油箱容积是70 升

第1个回答  2013-03-17
I didn't hear the knock on the door because I was hearing the music.
I didn't hear the knock on the door because I was on my earphone to watch the movie on the internet.
I didn't hear the mobile ring because I was watching tv when you called me.
why did you come in without knocking at the door?
How much bolume is the oil tank of this car? 70 literaure
第2个回答  2013-03-18
Why did you come in without knocking at the door?
1 I was listening to music just now,not hearing the knock at the door。
2 I was seeing a film with an earphone online,not hearing you knocking at the door。
3 I was cooking/having a bath just now,not hearing the cellphone ringing。
4 When you made a phonecall to me ,I was watching TV,so I didn‘t hear the cellphone ringing。
5 Why did you come in without knocking at the door?
6 What is the volumn of the car‘s tank?
It’s 70 litres。本回答被网友采纳