

第1个回答  2013-09-03
English learning is viewed as a basic knowledge for a modern well-educated citizen after the state policy of reform and opening up to the outside world. But does it really matter to learn English well?
Having received higher education and experienced strict skill training, most of us will take up somewhat complex and innovative jobs, in which a great master of English is essential. On the other hand, a good knowledge of English leads to a comprehensive understanding about foreign history and culture, with which our country will collaborate and reach common ground with other countries more smoothly.
However, it is impropriate to devote our whole time learning English. Students who take all their efforts to learn thousands of GRE words most of which they will never meet during the whole life are stupid, instead they should pay more attention on their majors or their social practice, which will indeed enhance their abilities and broad their horizons.
In conclusion, English really speeds up our progress, but it is just one skill we should master during our life. It is impropriate to emphasize it too much.
(175 words)英语学习基本知识被看作是一种现代受过良好教育的公民国家改革开放政策,外面的世界。但是它是否真正要紧的事能学好英语,好吗?已经收到了高等教育和经验丰富的严格的技能培训,我们中的大多数人将会占用有点复杂和不断创新的工作,在这一过程中,大师的英语是必要的。另一方面,良好的英语知识导致全面了解关于外国的历史和文化,我们的国家将合作,达成共识与其他国家更加顺利。然而,它是整个时间的血亲投入我们学习英语。把他们所有的学生努力学习成千上万的GRE考试的话最令他们永远不会见面的整个生命过程中是愚蠢的,他们应该支付更多的精力在他们的专业或他们的社会实践活动,这才是真正增强他们的能力和拓展他们的视野。总之,英语真的能加快我们的进步,但这只是一种技能,我们应该掌握在我们的生活。它是血亲强调太多了。”(175字)
第2个回答  2013-09-03