单词造句1.semester2.true3.disappointing4.lucky5.copy6.own7. get over 8. poor 9.village


第1个回答  2013-05-11
this semester i got full mark.这学期我得了满分。
that thing happened yesterday was true.昨天发生的事是真的。
the concert is very disappointing.演唱会真令人失望。
you are lucky to get the ticket.拿到票你真幸运。
this homework is a copy.这份作业是抄的。
this is my own bike.这是我自己的自行车。
come on,get over the touble!加油,从困境中振作起来!
when i was young,my family is very poor。我小时候家里很穷。
i live in a small village.我住在一个小村子里