


信息不对称 消费者行为 消费者预期 逆向选择

第1个回答  2008-05-20
The information asymmetry makes consumers and buys behavioral influence factor analysis
The information asymmetry is one of the very important concepts in modern economics, it means the distribution among market both parties of information is not even, one party understands the inherent attribute of the trading object more than another party. Economics analyze market lose efficiency and the consenquential reverse choice, unsafe psychology, consciousness risk,etc. issue that information asymmetry cause. This text tries to use the information asymmetry theory to buy the behavioral influence factor to analyze to consumers, some suggestions of trying to propose solving this information asymmetry problem.
Keyword: Information asymmetry, consumer behaviour, consumers expect, reverse choice
第2个回答  2008-05-20
Under asymmetric information consumers purchase behavior of factors

Information asymmetry is very important in the modern economics of the concept, which refers to information in market transactions between the two sides of the distribution is uneven, one side of the transaction object other than the inherent attributes more understanding. Economic Analysis of the information asymmetry caused by market failures and the resulting adverse selection, psychological insecurity, perceived risk and other issues. This paper attempts to use asymmetric information theory of consumer buying behavior analysis of the impact of factors, and try to solve the problem of asymmetric information some of the recommendations

Information asymmetry consumer behavior consumer expectations adverse selection本回答被提问者采纳