跪求团队精神外文翻译,谁有啊,要有英文和中文,中文翻译在3000字左右,两篇,发到[email protected]


第1个回答  2012-12-11
团队精神是指一个组织具有的共同价值观和道德理念在企业文化上的反映。团队精神是企业的灵魂。一个群体不能形成团队就是一盘散沙一个团队没有共同的价值观就不会有统一意志、统一行动当然就不会有战斗力一个企业没有灵魂就不会具有生命的活力。 团队精神企业发展的精神支持 团队精神表现为一种文化氛围、一种精神面貌是一种看得见、感知得到的精神气息企业的灵魂则是一种看不见、摸不着的神韵。比如一个人的气质魅力等。一个二流的画家只能画出造型相相似的物体一流的画家则可挥洒神来之笔赋予物体生命之魂。 团队精神是企业冲锋的号角 俗话说市场台战场。在企业日成为市场竟争主体的今天企业的竟争力、战斗力决定着企业的生死存亡。一个企业如果有一个好的团队和良好的团队精神它就会像冲锋的号角激励员工通往超前奋力争先不断战胜对手取得竞争的胜利 团队精神是企业的精神支柱 人是需要一点精神的。同样企业也是需要精神的。团队共同的价值观就是一个企业的精神支柱。离开这个精神支柱企业就是一潭死水、一具僵尸就毫开活力可言。从这个意义上说团队精神乃是企业的精神支柱。 团队精神是培养企业凝聚力的旗帜 古人云物以类聚人以群分。培育企业的凝聚力除了其他条件外良好的团队精神就成为一面旗帜它召唤着所有认同该企业团队精神的人自愿聚集到这面旗帜下为实现企业和个人的目标而奋斗。 打造团队精神决非一日之功 一个人的世界观、价值观要靠多年的教育训练和生活实践的积累才能逐步形成。打造团队精神更非一日之功。 企业领导班子、特别是一把手的世界观、人生观、利益观、幸福观等对于打造团队精神具有决定性的作用。企业总裁、总经理、企业领导班子有什么样的精神追求和价值取向他们带领的团队就会有与之相似或相近的共同价值观即团队精神。正如何教授所说“企业家乃团队的灵魂。” 把握时代脉搏提炼时代精神塑具有时代特征的企业文化。我们所处的时代是一个急剧变化、快速转型、由落后的农业国向先进的工业国转变的时代。企业家不仅要紧随时代的前进步伐而且要走在时代的前列站在历史的高度把握时代脉搏总结提炼当今时代中国人民在现代化建设中表现出来的巨大热情和良好的精神风貌结合自己团队的特点并准确预测末来的发展趋势从点滴做起精心塑具有独特魅力的企业文化从而形成自己的团队精神。 引导、发掘员工群体中的积极因素采取纠正、培育、提升、弘扬等步骤使之与企业的发展战略、发展目标趋于一致。不可否认在我们的员工队伍中主流的思想意识是好的、积极向上的。只要我们善于发气和引导并以足够的耐心和毅力加以培养都可成为企业精神的组成部分。对于那些消极的、落后的思想意识要坚决地以纠正所谓风不正则心不齐。 点化企业之魂 现代企业从外延上可以分为大、中、小等多种类型从内涵上则可分为四个档次第一档形成了团队第二档形成团队并具有科学的组织制度第三档塑造出团队精神第四档形成具有魅力的企业之魂。这是企业发展的最高境界。 团队精神是群体价值观的反映属于企业文化的一部分。企业灵魂则是隐含在企业机体之中、难以用直觉观察到但却又能使感知到既难以捕捉到又难以用语言描述的但却又光芒四射、能打动人心的一种内在魅力。它不仅仅是一种品牌、一句文告词、一件实物而是外化为消费者的一种信赖感、安全感、满足感。消费者提到它就有一种愉悦的心理感受、一种对其产品和企业形象的极大的心理认同。比如德国的奔驰、美国的麦当劳还有波音、松下、壳牌等等。 但是一个企业家要引领企业达到这般境界决非一日之功、一年之功然而也许正因为如此才倍显它的无穷魅力和巨大的挑战性诱使无数的企业家为之毕生奋斗
Team spirit refers to an organization has the common values and moral concept in enterprise culture as reflected in the. Team spirit is the soul of enterprise. A group can not form a team in lacking spirit of cooperation is a team does not have common values in no unity of will, unified actioncertainly will not have fighting capacity enterprises do not have a soul in will not have the vitality of the life. Team spirit is the spirit of enterprise development support team spirit is a kind of culture, a spirit in is a visible, perceived mental atmosphere the soul of the enterprise is a kind of invisible, intangible charm. For example, a person's temperament in charm. A journeyman painter can draw shapes similar objects in a first-class painter can shed an inspired passage given objects in the soul. Team spirit is the enterprise took the horn as the saying goes in market station battlefield. In the enterprise, become the market competition main today in the competitiveness of enterprises, the battle force determines the enterprise of vital importance. If an enterprise has a good team and good team spirit in it will be like a took the horn in motivating employees to advance to firstconstantly beat opponents in competitive victory in team spirit is the spiritual pillar of people who are in need of some spirit. Similarly in enterprises also need spirit. The team shared values is one of the spiritual prop of the enterprise. Leave the spiritual pillar in enterprises is a pool of stagnant water, a corpse in it a vitality.
Say from this meaning in the team spirit is the spiritual prop of the enterprise. Team spirit is the culture of enterprise cohesion flag the ancients cloud " like attracts like.birds of a feather flock together. Cultivation of the cohesion of the enterprise in addition to other conditions in a good team spirit has become a banner in its calling all agree the enterprise team spirit people in voluntary gathered under the flag offor businesses and individuals to achieve a goal. Build team spirit is in one's world view, values rely on years of educational training and life practice accumulation in to gradually form. Build team spirit in. The leadership of enterprises, especially in a world outlook, outlook on life, values, view of happiness, in the build team spirit has a decisive role. Company president, general manager, corporate leadership is what kind of spiritual pursuit and value orientation in their team will have similar or similar common values in that team spirit. Is how the professor said " " entrepreneur is the soul of the team. " Grasp the pulse of the times, in the spirit of the times in which the plastic has the characteristics of the times of the enterprise culture. Our located times is a drastic change, rapid transformation, from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country in times of change. Entrepreneurs should not only follow the progress of our times in and be in the forefront of the times in stand in historical height in grasp the pulse of the times in Contemporary Chinese people summarize in modernization shown great enthusiasm and good mental outlook in combined with his team characteristics in accurately predict the development trend in the the start bit by bit in elaborate plastic has a unique charm of enterprise culture in to form their own team spirit. Guide, to explore the staff groups in the positive factors in corrective, breed, promotion, promotion and other steps in the development with the enterprise strategy, development goals converge. Undeniablein our workforce in the mainstream ideology is good, positive. As long as we are good at generating gas and guide in and with enough patience and perseverance to be cultured in can become part of the spirit of enterprise. For those negative, backward ideology in a determined to correct wind does not so-called regular cardiac arrhythmia. Enchant the soul of enterprise modern enterprise from the extension can be divided into large, medium, small and many other types offrom connotation can be divided into four grades at first gear is formed a team second form teams and scientific system of organization third to shape the team spirit fourth archives form the charm of the soul of the enterprise. This is the highest state of development of enterprises. Team spirit is reflected in the group values belong to a part of enterprise culture. The soul of enterpriseis implicit in the body corporate, difficult to use intuition observed in but also can make sense is difficult to capture in and difficult to describe thebut shine, appealing to people of a charm. It is not just a brand, a message word, a realbut outside as a consumer trust, a sense of security, a sense of satisfaction. Consumer mention it in there is a pleasant feeling, for their products and corporate image of the great psychological identification. For example, the United States of America Germany Mercedes Macdonald and Boeing, Panasonic, shell and so on. But in an entrepreneur to lead the enterprises to achieve such a realm in a day, a year's work is not howeverperhaps because suchjust as it 's infinite charm and great challenge in lure countless entrepreneurs struggle for a whole life