MY holiday手抄报资料


第1个回答  2013-07-09
Dear Dane, I will be graduate from my middle school. I am ready to go for a vacation. I will first go to ocean with my friends and family to take some rest and relax. After the vacation, I will join some social activities to increase my life experience. Such as helping my parents, working as a social worker to help the community, and also helping the elders when they need help. I believe I will have so many fun throughout the vacation. Best Regards, 李华本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-01-22
vbfaaahhrwhfwnjtmfavsgnsarefebfnhgzqcgrb.bqrbqtntwbtnfabsgbdamafrqhdqhfwneyvdqnegcqrmhfwbggndBsgbdamdgsbeyvamdavegrhrwbfandabsgbfsfvgsbdabdgbabfsbsgnsgbafbafjfayygfnenfn snowbfnsbrqoldVIPDXinghrbdbfbtwbwtbwthwt