

第1个回答  2023-05-23


1.climb up/down-往上/下爬

例如:“She climbed up the stairs to the attic.”(她沿着楼梯往阁楼爬。)

2.climb over-爬过

例如:“The cat climbed over the fence to get into the neighbor's yard.”(猫翻过篱笆进入邻居的院子。)

3.climb onto/off-爬上/下

例如:“He climbed onto the roof to fix the tiles.”(他爬上屋顶修理瓦片。)

4.climb a mountain-爬山

例如:“They are planning to climb Mount Everest next year.”(他们计划明年攀登珠穆朗玛峰。)

5.climb a ladder-爬梯子

例如:“She climbed the ladder to change the light bulb.”(她爬上梯子换灯泡。)

6.climb a tree-爬树

例如:“The children love to climb trees in the park.”(孩子们喜欢在公园里爬树。)

7.climb the corporate ladder-追求晋升

例如:“She worked hard to climb the corporate ladder and become a manager.”(她努力工作,追求晋升,成为了一名经理。)
