

第1个回答  2007-11-14
Chilled Bean Curd (豆花)
豆花 is my all time favourite desert !!! When I was a little gal, my daddy would usually get a packet of 豆花 from the market on weekends morning to be shared between me and my brother. But as we grow, we usually wake up late and by then 豆花 is sold out liao. Nowadays, only get to eat 豆花 once in a blue moon.

I had been wanting to make my own 豆花 for a very long time liao but most of the recipes I came by uses gypsum (石膏粉) which is not very good for health. Lucky me, found this recipe which uses AGAR AGAR POWDER instead in KC.

For the benefit for those who are not member, here's a copy of the recipe ...


500 g Soya Bean ( Soak for 5 -6 hours )

2875 ml Water

125 ml Evaporatd milk

1 tbsp Agar agar power

2 tbsp Sugar

Pandan leaves 3 - 4 pcs


1. Liquidize the soya bean with 2000mls of water and sieve twice with "cotton bag ". Top up with water to get 2875 mls of soya milk.
2. Dissolve the agar agar power with 500 mls of soya milk.
3. Pour in to the remaining soya milk, sugar and mix well.
4. Boil with pandan leaves till boil (stir constantly) and continue to simmer for another 10 mins over low heat.
5. Add in the evaporated milk, stir well (DO NOT BOIL)remove and leave to cool slightly for 5 mins.
6. Scoop out the bubbles and the bean curd skin.
7. Pour into container and leave to set.
8. After 10 mins scoop out the bean curd skin (In order to get a smooth surface)
9. When cool cover and chilled in the fridge till set.
10. Serve with sugar syrup or gula melaka syrup. Can be kept in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

For the sugar syrups, you can follow the following ... else you can make your own ;)

Sugar Syrup

Castor sugar 300 gm
Water 360gm
Pandan leaves 3 - 4 pcs

Mix all and cook till boil, continue simmer for another 5 mins.

Gula Melaka Syrup

Gula melaka 150gm
Brown sugar 150gm
Castor sugar 50gm
water - adjust to suit own sweetness

Mix all and cook till boil, continue to simmer for 5 mins.

P/S: I only made 1/2 the recipe amount and its just right for my family of 5.
第2个回答  2007-11-15
In Taiwan, douhua is served with toppings like cooked peanuts, azuki beans, cooked oatmeal, tapioca, mung beans and a syrup flavored with ginger or almond. During the summer, douhua is served with crushed ice; in the winter, it is served warm.

In Hong Kong it is known as bean curd dessert, or by the name dau fu fa (豆腐花) in Cantonese. There, it can be served with ginger or syrup, and sometimes as a mixture with black sesame paste, and sometimes also with coconut milk. Traditionally it is made with wooden bucket, which is sold as dau fu fa in wooden bucket (木桶豆腐花). Dau fu fa is also sold as packed cold dessert at supermarkets.

In northern China, douhua is often eaten with soy sauce, thus making a salty flavour.

Douhua is also served as a sweet dessert in Singapore and Malaysia. In those countries it is more commonly known by its names tow huay or tau huay in Southern Min Chinese, or by the name in Cantonese. It is usually served either with a clear sweet syrup alone, with Ginkgo seeds suspended in the syrup, or in a sugar syrup infused with pandan. In Japan, this style of douhua is known as "annin dofu."

In the Philippines it is known as taho and sold by hawkers in the mornings. It is served warm with a dark brown syrup and sago or tapioca balls.