谁能翻译一下coldplay的yellow,speed of sound和viva la vida


第1个回答  2011-10-19
Look at the stars, 仰望繁星,
Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样向你闪烁,

And everything you do, 星星和你在每件事上所表现的一样,

Yeah, they were all Yellow. 是的,都这么如浅黄色一般羞涩.
I came along, 跟随你走来,
I wrote a song for you, 我为你写了首歌,

And all the things you do, 就像你在所有的事上所表现的一样,

And it was called Yellow. 歌名就叫做"Yellow".

So then I took my turn, 我耗尽心力,

Oh what a thing to have done, 想表达对你的爱意,

And it was all Yellow. 可我和你都如浅黄色一般小心怯懦.

Your skin 你的肌肤,
Oh yeah, your skin and bones, 你的冰肌玉骨,
Turn into something beautiful, 使一切变得如此美丽,
You know, you know I love you so, 你知道,你知道我是多么爱你.

You know I love you so. 你知道我是多么爱你.

I swam across, 我已游向你,
I jumped across for you, 我已纵身而越向你而去,
Oh what a thing to do. 但到了你面前却不知如何是好.
Cos you were all Yellow. 因为你整个人都如同浅黄色一般羞涩.

I drew a line, 我画了幅肖像,
I drew a line for you, 我画下了你的样子,

Oh what a thing to do, 可我该如何表达,

And it was all Yellow. 整件事都这么羞涩,都是浅黄色的.

Your skin, 你的肌肤,
Oh yeah your skin and bones, 你的冰肌玉骨,
Turn into something beautiful, 使一切变得如此美丽,
And you know, 你是知道的,
For you I'd bleed myself dry, 为了你我愿付出一切牺牲自己,

For you I'd bleed myself dry. 为了你我愿付出一切牺牲自己.

It's true, 真的,
Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样为你绽放光芒,
Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样为你绽放光芒,
Look how they shine for, 看它们为何闪烁.

Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样为你绽放光芒,
Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样为你绽放光芒,
Look how they shine. 看它们如何闪烁.
Look at the stars, 看天上繁星,
Look how they shine for you, 看它们怎样为你而闪烁光芒,

And all the things that you do. 以及你举手投足间的羞涩.
yellow 是胆怯的意思正如 blue是忧郁,red是热情,black是黑暗一样...

《speed of sound》
how long before i get in 多久之前 我陷入其中?
before it starts before i begin 从一开始的时候 从我踏出第一步之时
how long before you decide or 多久之前 你下定决心
before i know what it feels like 我开始体尝 这滋味
where to, where do i go? 我该何去何从
if you never try then you'll never know 如果不试试看 就永远是未知数
how long do i have to climb 我还要攀登多久
up on the side of this mountain of mine 才能到达 属于我的那片山顶
look up, i look up at night 深夜 抬头望向天际
planets are moving at the speed of light 宇宙中繁星变换如光般飞快
climb up, up in the trees 攀爬着 到达树顶
every chance that you get is a chance you seize 得到机会 就要把握住
how long am i gonna stand 我还要伫立多久
with my head stuck under the sand 十指仿佛陷入沙尘中不可自拔
i start before i can stop or 在停歇之前我决定启程
before i see things the right way up 看到万物升腾之前 我决定出发
all that noise and all that sound 世间喧嚣 不肯平息
all those places i got found 要去的地方 都在我眼下
and birds go flying at the speed of sound 飞鸟翱翔天边 比声音划过空中更迅速
to show you how it all began 是振翅教会你如何启航
birds came flying from the underground 鸟雀从地底 一飞冲天
if you could see it then you'd understand 要是你看到了 你就懂了
ideas that you'll never find 你永远逾越不了的思想
all the inventors could never design 发明者们永远创造不了的东西
the buildings that you put up 你建起的摩天大楼
but you've been in china all lit up 你躲藏在脆弱里自得其乐(或者是“你在中国逍遥自在”?抱歉这句翻译不起)
a sign that i couldn't read 一个小小的标志 对我也是如此陌生
or a light, that i couldn't see 零星之光 我也看不见
some things you have to believe 可周围的事物都在迷惑你时
when others are puzzles, puzzling me 你必须有自己的依靠和信仰

all that noise and all that sound
all those places i got found
and birds go flying at the speed of sound
to show you how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
oh, when you see it then you'll understand
all those signs i knew what they meant 那些标迹我都懂
somethings you can't invent总有些事你无法创造
some get made, and some get sent 有的诞生 有的沉沦
and birds gone flying at the speed of sound 飞鸟却翱翔在空中 以风的速度 永不停息
to show you how it all began它们教会你如何启程
birds came flying from the underground 鸟雀冲破尘土 一飞冲天
if you could see it then you'd understand 你要是看到了 你就会明白
oh, when you see it then you'll understand 是啊,当你亲眼所见 你就会懂得

 Viva La Vida 生命万岁   I used to rule the world 大千世界曾由我主宰   Seas would rise when I gave the word 巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃   Now in the morning I sleep alone 而今我却在黎明独自入眠   Sweep the streets I used to own 在曾属于我的大道落寞徘徊   I used to roll the dice 凡人生死曾由我主宰   Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes 我可以尽情品味惊恐在死敌瞳孔绽开   Listen as the crowd would sing: 欣然倾听愚民高歌喝彩:   "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" “先王亡矣!新王万代!”   One minute I held the key 上一秒我尚且手握权位经脉   Next the walls were closed on me 转瞬才知宫墙深似海   And I discovered that my castles stand 恍然发现我的城池   Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 基底散如盐沙,乱似尘埃   I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing 听那耶路撒冷钟声传来   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海   Be my mirror my sword and shield “我异疆的传教士啊   My missionaries in a foreign field 来担当我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌”   For some reason I can't explain 其中缘由我无法言说   Once you go there was never, 自你离去,   never an honest word 逆耳忠言便不复存在   That was when I ruled the world 而这便是我统治的时代   It was the wicked and wild wind 凛冽邪风呼啸袭来   Blew down the doors to let me in 吹散重门使我深陷阴霾   Shattered windows and the sound of drums 断壁残垣礼崩乐坏   People couldn't believe what I'd become 谁人猜想到我的最终下场   Revolutionaries wait 起义大军正殷切盼望有朝一日我站上断头台   For my head on a silver plate 我不过是个傀儡   Just a puppet on a lonely string 随吊线寂寞摇摆   Oh who would ever want to be king? 呜呼,谁又曾渴望万人膜拜?   I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing 听那耶路撒冷钟声传来   Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海   Be my mirror my sword and shield ”我异疆的传教士啊   My missionaries in a foreign field 来担当我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌“   For some reason I can't explain 其中缘由我无法言说   I know Saint Peter won't call my name 我亦知天堂之门不会为我敞开   Never an honest word 逆耳忠言从未存在   But that was when I ruled the world 但这却是我统治的时代