succeed 的用法


第1个回答  2013-06-02
succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事
succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)
succeed sb: 继承
succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功



误:His plan was succeeded.

正:His plan succeeded.

析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。


误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.

正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.

析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。


误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?

正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?

析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。