求帮忙编一篇英语对话 急急急~~~~

Roles:Tom,who had a series of bad things come into his life
Carl:a close friend of Tom's
Julia:a close friend of Tom's
Situation:Tom was unfortunate: at work he was demoted to a junior position because he had lost an important client;his girlfriend just left him;and a blood test showed he was infected with the hepatitis virus. Carl andJulia are trying to comfort him

第1个回答  2012-02-28
第2个回答  2012-02-28
Carl: Hi Tom, Haven’t seen you for a while? You seem a bit preoccupied. What’s going on?
Tom: Well you know bad things come in threes. I have to deal with some problem at work and some personal issues...
Carl: You want to talk about it? Julia and I are all ears.
Julia: Yes, Tom, you know you can always talk to us.
Tom: I recently lost a client, they demoted me last week. I’ve been working my butt off for this job!
Carl: Oh no, but it happens sometimes. You should not be too hard on yourself.
Julia: Did your girl friend know about it?
Tom: Well that’s another problem. She blamed me for being careless, not ambitious enough, blah, blah..We got into a big fight. She decided to move out.
Julia: Wow, when did this happen?
Tom, Yesterday! I think it's over between us.
Carl: Maybe you two are not meant to be together. You need to move on. There are plenty of fishes in the sea.
Julia: Yeah, no worries, Tom. I will fix you up with one of my girlfriends.
Tom: No, I am not in the mood of going out with anyone now. I got some blood work done last week and just got a phone call from my doctor’s office today. The result showed I have some kind of hepatitis virus!
Carl and Julia: OMG, Tom, Is there anything we can help? please don’t hesitate to ask.
Carl: I've got a good idea. Let’s go out have a drink tonight. You will forget all the bad things happened to you after couple beers...Ok?本回答被提问者采纳