

第1个回答  2020-02-03
2课I. 1-4 BABB 5-8 BAAC
II. 1. weekends 2. healthy 3. popular 4. hour5. pretty
III. 1. to hike 2. are, going todo 3. to keep4. healthy 5. does, go
IV. 1. much 2. spend 3. a 4. pretty/very 5.good 6.be 7. What 8. jump
II 1. Cheese. 2. They taste sweet. 3. The girl. 4. It’s for the cake. 5. Three.
III、 1. smells so delicious
2. Have a try
3. What are these
4. Would you like to 5. I’
m making an apple pie
IV、 1.Would you like to 2. It looks lovely 3. I’m afraid I don’t like eating 4. doesn’t smell fresh 5. Your advice sounds great本回答被网友采纳