翻译Only four days after stitches were removed from his left foot following injuries from a car cra

Only four days after stitches were removed from his left foot following injuries from a car crash,Bolt was declared healthy and ready to race in England by manager Norman Peart on Monday.

第1个回答  2011-11-25
Just from his blood. 别人发现的时候,他的房间里只有满世界的血。墙上、It is unreasonable that no any vestige left after a murder.It seemed
第2个回答  2011-11-25
olt(波尔特)的左脚在车祸中受伤,拆线四天后,Norman Peart(罗曼.皮尔特)称他已恢复健康,可以参加周一在英格兰举行的比赛。本回答被网友采纳