so much homework did we have to do that we don't have a rest.

这里的so that 结构中为什么要倒装啊!!能不能解释下??

第1个回答  2007-08-31
so much homework did we have to do that we don't have a rest.

原句可改写为:“we have to do so much homework so that we don't have a rest.”

"so much homework "在这里是被强调的,由于提前了这个词组,就不得不倒装,以保持全局的平衡。
第2个回答  2007-08-31
这是部分倒装的一种形式,当so + adj/adv. 放在句首时,就倒装。
如:So excited was the boy that he couldn't sleep kast night.
So fast did he run that he wa soon ahead of others.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2007-08-31
强调 加强语气 表现作也确实十分得多