

第1个回答  2011-11-23
Good Morning!
Good afternoon !
Good evening!
Hi !
How are you?
long time no see.好久不见。I miss you. 我想你了。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你哦。
Nice to meet you too.很高兴又见到你哦。
where have you been hiding yourself?你最近藏哪里了?
What is going on with you these days ?最近几天在忙神马啊
Hello, How’s the family?你好啊,家人都好吗?

hey,ya guys,how about you recently? /how is going on? I think of you sometimes.
are you free this afternoon/this Sunday?let's get a chat party,will you ?we've been long time no see each other.
第2个回答  2011-11-11
long time no see.这个就是标准的汉译英,不过现在老外也能理解的。好久不见
where have you been hiding yourself?你最近藏哪里了?
hi, long time no see,how are you these days?

hey,ya guys,how about you recently? /how is going on? I think of you sometimes.
are you free this afternoon/this Sunday?let's get a chat party,will you ?we've been long time no see each other.
第3个回答  2013-03-16
3.How are you?
4.How do you do?
5.Good Morning!
6.Good afternoon !
7.Good evening!
8.Nice to meet you.
第4个回答  2011-11-11
Hi ,hello / How are you doing /How are you / what is up本回答被提问者采纳