第2个回答 2015-12-10
A:accbddbd B: adbd bcd
ppartC:Languages; acquire; success; throughout; radio; concerts; success
Languages basically the undersatanding of the words and the relationship between sentence; this is impossible even we listen in our own languages;
he can find out his strenghts and weaknesses;
partD:cdccdbdcdcartC:Languages; acquire; success; throughout; radio; concerts; success
Languages basically the undersatanding of the words and the relationship between sentence; this is impossible even we listen in our own languages;
he can find out his strenghts and weaknesses;
第4个回答 2012-05-03
1~8 bcbcbcab 9~12 dbdc 13~15 cbd 16 stocks 17 exhibition 18 tevhniques 19 activities 20 research 21 modem 22 software 23 Delivery time for e-mail from Europe to the USA is about 10 seconds 24 What' really extraordinary abput the Internet is the amount and variety of information available 25 Services are also available than allow you to do your banking ,reserve airline tickets ,and even shop for a Mother's Day 26~28 cdc 29~32 ccad 33~35 bca
1~8 dcdcdbca 9~11 dda 12~15 bcbc 16 forecast 17 unusual 18 Fortunately 19 extreme 20 rarely 21 giobal 22 rush 23 Peopie enjoy discussing the snow ,complaining about the cold 24 Contrary to popular opinion ,it does not rain all the time 25 Thanks to the rain ,Britain has a rich countryside, which is famous for its deep green color 26~28 adb 29~31 bac 32~35 cadb本回答被网友采纳