一首非常nice的歌 找了好长时间没找到 求大神帮忙听一下

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODQ3NDA2Njky.html 在这个视频的121分20秒 辛苦各位了

第1个回答  2015-01-01
名字不重要Hi\r\n你说的一套\r\n我倒觉得不妨参考\r\n你的生活照里\r\n某人挺搞笑 喂\r\n渐渐变成半熟的面貌\r\n南腔加北调\r\n平起平坐say hello\r\n不怕没大没小\r\n天地大又小\r\n我们却相互依靠\r\n随时欢迎来打搅\r\n你们好 我很好\r\n没有必要再互相介绍\r\nTake my hand\r\nwho cares how\r\nTogether we can work it all out\r\nIt's nice to meet you 说你好\r\n再没有陌生的天桥\r\n不客套 更热闹\r\n大家好 大家好\r\nNot sure that I know him\r\nyour brother's been hiking\r\ndown out by a lake in Bangkok\r\nI work here in Sydney\r\njust got off the phone 喂?\r\nSounds like he's not out there alone\r\nGot friends high and low\r\njust can't wait to say hello\r\nhandshakes everywhere I go\r\nThey don't know me yet\r\ndoesn't matter if we've met\r\nWe'll hustle or take it slow\r\n你们好 我很好\r\n没有必要再互相介绍\r\nTake my hand\r\nwho cares how\r\nTogether we can work it all out\r\nIt's nice to meet you 说你好 (It's a world without strangers)\r\n再没有陌生的天桥 (Yo Jon , I got you. MC Jin)\r\n不客套 更热闹\r\n大家好 大家好\r\n(Check this out right here , were gonna switch it up a bit)\r\n(Ayo , switch the beat up for me. Let's go)\r\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n你们好 我很好\r\n没有必要再互相介绍\r\nTake my hand\r\nwho cares how\r\nTogether we can work it all out\r\nIt's nice to meet you 说你好\r\n再没有陌生的天桥\r\n不客套 更热闹\r\n大家好 大家好追问

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