大学英语3 哪个好心人帮帮我,谢谢了

试卷总分:100 测试时间:--
单选题 判断题

一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 90 分。)V 1. I still remember the sitting-room __________ my mother and I used to sit in the evenings.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. where
满分:6 分
2. Before the final examination, some students have shown __________ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
A. anxiety
B. marks
C. signs
D. remarks
满分:6 分
3. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; __________ I think it’s beautiful.
A. rather than
B. as opposed to
C. by contrast
D. on the contrary
满分:6 分
4. Thank you for bringing this matter to our notice. Please take this ticket. It will __________ you to have a free meal in this five-star hotel.
A. entitle
B. allow
C. invite
D. permit
满分:6 分
5. Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a __________ and disorder!
A. mass
B. mess
C. guess
D. bus
满分:6 分
6. I feel surprised to see George at the meeting. I really didn't think he ________ here.
A. has been
B. had been
C. would be
D. would have been
满分:6 分
7. Professor Johnson comes from either Oxford or MIT, I can’t remember __________.
A. where
B. there
C. which
D. that
满分:6 分
8. Never get off the bus __________ it has stopped.
A. if
B. as soon as
C. until
D. or
满分:6 分
9. The man __________ lives next to us is my English teacher.
A. whom
B. which
C. who
D. what
满分:6 分
10. Energy is __________ makes thing work.
A. what
B. something
C. anything
D. that
满分:6 分
11. The thief had been sentenced to a fine of $1,000. Was the judge too __________ on him?
A. serious
B. severe
C. strict
D. strong
满分:6 分
12. As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to __________ the problem.
A. handle
B. raise
C. face
D. pose
满分:6 分
13. Of all the students in our class, Betty writes __________.
A. very carefully
B. most carefully
C. more carefully
D. the most careful
满分:6 分
14. Information has been put forward __________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
A. while
B. that
C. when
D. as
满分:6 分
15. I would rather __________ two weeks earlier.
A. you should come here
B. you come here
C. you must come
D. you came
满分:6 分

第1个回答  2011-06-11
2.C signs of tension(紧张迹象)
3.D by contrast对比;on the contrary与此相反
5.B mess杂乱
8.C not until 直到……才
9.C 是人,排除D,由于在句子中是主语,只能是C
11.B severe专指惩罚严重
12. A handle the problem处理问题
15.B would rather do.