
unforgettable days
In holiday,My family went to Bei Jing,My family went to Tian An Men,have a lot of people.The people were as many as ant.everywhere have people.Then our went to Jing Shan Park.The Peak view was very beautiful.I can see lake\tree.....The Peak have big wind.Bei Jing not only is big city,and that have many people

第1个回答  2007-05-09
令人难忘的天 在假日, 我家去到北京, 我家去Tian 人, 有很多people.The 人民是和ant.everywhere 有people.Then 我们去京掸人Park.The 高峰景色是beautiful.I 能非常看一样多lake\tree.....The 峰顶有大wind.Bei 京不仅是大城市, 并且那有许多人
第2个回答  2007-05-09
During the holiday,my family and I went to Beijing.We went to Tian'an Men Square,and there were hundreds of people everywhere just like some ants.Then we payed a visit to Jingshan Park.It was wonderful on the peak.I found laks and trees around the park. It was heavy windy there. Beijing is not only a big city,as well as a big population.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2007-05-09