
克里斯先生 你好
我是kelly的丈夫 由于家里发生了一些事 需要与她取得联系 能否帮忙通知一下她 让她尽快给家里打电话

第1个回答  2007-04-26
dear Mr. chris,

hi, how are you. this is kelly's husband. since there is something happned in the family, we need to contact with her. would you please help us ask her to call her family as soon as possible?
thank you very much.
第2个回答  2007-04-26
Dear Cris,
i am Kelly's husband. could you reform Kelly
to call home as soon as possiblily, for i have to
communicate with her the reason why some matters are at me.
thank you very much.
yours ...本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2007-04-27
Watashi lease teacher hello
We wish to express our gratitude to her ..whether it is possible to inform a little.. for the emergency to make the house called as soon as possible her help ..not becoming.. if the house in which it ..husband of kelly.. has it doesn't contact her because some things were generated.
第4个回答  2007-04-26
Dear Mr. Christ,
Hello. This is Kelly's husband. Could you please tell her to give me a call? I need to contact her because something happened in our family. Thank you very much.