
According to Brazilian law, (regulation number 1469,29 December 2000), all of the studied reaches of Rio das Velhas are inappropriate for human consumption
without prior treatment and inappropriate for primary contact, aquatic sports, and bathing. The Rio das Velhas has very low potential for recreational use without further treatment by the sanitary company (COPASAMG).Most Brazilian cities have experienced uncontrolled development and increased occupation of river
margins and their floodplains. Many cities are trying to solve problems of sanitation and flooding with river canalization. Canalization increases water velocities, reducing residence time and accelerating domestic effluent and pollutant transport. Such changes also lower richness and diversity in the Rio das Velhas downstream
of MRBH, highlighting the effects of sewage discharge on the main channel. However, urbanization costs are even higher in the small water courses draining the metropolitan area. Besides the poor benthos assemblage and water quality, pollution and canalization of MRBH streams have eliminated most native fish species. Only a
few well-preserved headwater reaches, protected as natural reserves or water supply sources, support typical headwater fishes, such as Trichomycterus and Astyanax.
Urbanization has also changed fish assemblages in the natural lakes of the MRBH. Lagoa Santa is a shallow permanent lake located north of Belo Horizonte, inside
the metropolitan region. Between 1850 and 1856,Reinhardt collected fish in Lagoa Santa (Lütken 2001).Comparisons between the historical and recent data showed that at least 70% of the original fish fauna is now extinct (Pompeu and Alves 2003). The reasons were directly related to urbanization: the obstruction and canalization of the natural connection between Lagoa Santa and the Rio das Velhas, the elimination of littoral (Cyperaceae) and submerged (Characeae) vegetation,and the introduction of alien fish species.

第1个回答  2011-03-05
依照巴西的法律 ,(规定的号 1469,292000 年十二月), 里约 das Velhas 的所有有计划延伸对人类的消费不适当
没有之前的治疗和不适当的为主要的连络,水生动物游戏,和游泳。里约 das Velhas 非常低下地有没有卫生的公司 (COPASAMG)的较进一步的治疗的娱乐用的潜能。大多数巴西的城市经历不受抑制的发展和占领河增加
边缘和他们的洪泛区。许多城市正在尝试用河开运河解决公共卫生的问题和洪水泛滥。开运河增加加水给速度,减少住宅时间而且加速国内的流出物和污染物质运输系统。如此的变化下游地也在里约 das Velhas 中降低富裕和不同
MRBH,强调污水解除对主要的通道效果。然而,都市化费用在排出沟外大都市的区域的小水课程中更高。除 MRBH 水流的贫穷底生生物集合和水质、污染和开运河之外已经除去大多数本地人鱼种。只有一
少数的保护良好的 headwater 延伸,保护如天然的预备品或者自来水来源,支援典型的 headwater 鱼,像是 Trichomycterus 和 Astyanax。
都市化也已经在 MRBH 的天然湖中改变鱼集合。Lagoa 圣诞老人是被位于 Belo Horizonte 北方的一个浅的长备湖,内部
大都市的区域。在 1850 和 1856之间,Reinhardt 在 Lagoa 圣诞老人 (L ü tken 2001) 收集了鱼. 在历史、最近的数据之间表示至少 70% 的最初的鱼动物群是现在熄灭的 (Pompeu 和 Alves 2003).理由直接地被讲到都市化了:Lagoa 圣诞老人之间的天然连结的障碍和开运河和里约 das Velhas,沿海地 (Cyperaceae)的除去而且使植物浸水了 (Characeae),和外国鱼种的介绍。
第2个回答  2011-03-03
根据巴西的法律,规定1469数量,29 2000年12月),所有的研究Velhas达到收购力拓,这都是不适当的给人食用未经治疗和不恰当的主要接触、水上运动、和洗澡。里奥这Velhas潜力非常低的治疗方法,没有进一步的娱乐使用卫生公司(COPASAMG).Most巴西城市不受控制的发展和增加经历占领河利润率和他们的漫滩。


