修改病句,给出准确合适的句子 谢谢。

一个朋友拿来的他们公司让员工了解,记忆的英语句子。。据说是人工翻译出来的,但我怎么看都是机器翻译的,发现好多问题。 呵呵。 这里给出一些句子,欢迎大家能点评,

直走到最前面右转,麦当劳旁边 有直梯到四楼即可。
McDonald went to the front straight right to the fourth floor next to a straight ladder can be
(麦当劳,怎么可能走啊,,哈,问题看来,很多。这个大家 直接写 正确译文吧)

2 这里有药店吗?Is there pharmacy it ?

3 点在产品哪里有卖的? There sold Electronic produts ?

4 男装在哪里卖? Where sell the man’s cloth ?

5 女装哪里有卖? Where women are sold ? (这个无语,,)

6 商场里有西餐厅 / 咖啡厅吗 ( 直接给句子吧)

7 总服务台对面有一个SPR 咖啡

8 看那边,XX 百货。乘扶梯上四楼,哪里有男装专卖
Look over there ,go to XX Shopping escalator on the fourth floor, where men’s monopoly

9 看那边,XX 百货二层和三层均有女装专卖

10 室内步行街3楼 有一个XX西式餐厅 (翻译)

en ,第一句的直梯,其实还是电梯了,直上直下那种不是手扶那种

第三句,打掉字了,是问 电子产品 哪里有卖。

第1个回答  2011-03-09
1 Went to straight to the front and turn right, beside the McDonald, and then went to the fourth floor by straight ladder.
2 Does there exists any drugstore?
3 where does the Electronic products sells?
4 where can I buy the men’s clothes?
5 where does the women’s dress sells?
6 Is there any western restaurant/coffee house in the market?
7 There is a SPR coffee house in front the Reception desk.
8 Look, XX general merchandise, went to the fourth floor where sells men’s clothes by staircase.(说实话,这句我英语和中文都没看懂!!!!)
9 Look, the second floor and third floor of XX general merchandise are also sell women’s dress.
10 There is a XX western restaurant in the third floor of the indoor walking street。 (室内步行街??不懂,真不懂)

我最前面有说明的。,室内步行街,就是有些商场在内部,路两侧 是店铺那种,


嗯 刚才翻译的其实真也没什么要改的 句子结构没什么问题的 那些词都基本上是中性的 表达的意思也和你说的差不多 我只能做到这么多了 呵呵....


where does the Electronic products sells?
貌似后面要sell 原形吧。呵呵。恩,整体很棒


嗯 当时忽略了 应该用sell 失误 还可以改为:where did the Electronic products sold?? 用被动吧 貌似好些

第2个回答  2011-03-09
1.Go straight until the end and turn right, there are stairs up to the fourth floor next to McDonald.
2.Is there a pharmacy here?
3.4.5Where to buy Electronic products/ men's clothing/ women' clothing?
6.Is there a cafe/ western restaurant in this mall?
7.There is a SPR Cafe opposite the reception desk.
8.Look there, it's XXX, where to buy men's clothing. You can ascend stairs to the fourth floor.
9.See there, women's clothing are sold on the second floor and the third floor in XXX.
10.There is a XX western restaurant on the third floor of the indoor pedestrian street.


第3个回答  2011-03-10
1.Go straight until the end and turn right, there are stairs up to the fourth floor next to McDonald.
2.Is there a pharmacy here?
3.4.5Where to buy Electronic products/ men's clothing/ women' clothing?
6.Is there a cafe/ western restaurant in this mall?
7.There is a SPR Cafe opposite the reception desk.
8.Look there, it's XXX, where to buy men's clothing. You can ascend stairs to the fourth floor.
9.See there, women's clothing are sold on the second floor and the third floor in XXX.
10.There is a XX western restaurant on the third floor of the indoor pedestrian street.