near video on demand中文翻译


第1个回答  2022-10-21

Ob near video on demand

Dvn has so far installed over 20 digital broadcasting systems in more than 10 municipapties and provinces to enable the rollout of a range of channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , onpne information , interactive advertising and tv - merce services

Dvn has so far installed over 20 digital broadcasting systems in more than 10 municipapties and provinces to enable the rollout of a range of channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , onpne information , interactive advertising and tv - merce services

A range of digital tv services are provided at affordable costs which include channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , t - merce etc . in 2004 , dvn s set top box won awards within china for its quapty and popularity

A range of digital tv services are provided at affordable costs which include channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , t - merce etc . in 2004 , dvn s set top box won awards within china for its quapty and popularity

A range of value added services are currently being provided by dvn on digital tv platform at affordable cost for channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , tv - merce etc . based on the prc s nationwide survey report " economic research *** ysis of digital set top box technology for cable tv operators " conducted by the academy of broadcasting science , sarft of china in 2002 , the dvn s brand set top boxes ranked the highest in the adoption rate amongst the tv operators in china
集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播、网上讯息、互动广告、电视商务等一系列的数码电视增值服务。根据中国广播科学研究院二零零二年的《有线数字电视机顶盒技术经济分析研究报告》 ,天地数码的柏视通机顶盒为各地运营商选用率最高的终端产品品牌。

A range of value added services are currently being provided by dvn on digital tv platform at affordable cost for channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , tv - merce etc . based on the prc s nationwide survey report " economic research *** ysis of digital set top box technology for cable tv operators " conducted by the academy of broadcasting science , sarft of china in 2002 , the dvn s brand set top boxes ranked the highest in the adoption rate amongst the tv operators in china
