graduate diplomas 和 postgraduate diplomas 的区别

直译都是研究生文凭的意思啊。但大学的课程里有这两种能选,不知何意。(把graduate degree解释为毕业生文凭这种山寨解释的就算了)满意的话有追加分。

第1个回答  2011-02-06
研究生文凭(Graduate Diploma ): 为一年课程 提供相当于本科专业的课程学生。主要是让学士学生毕业生以强化课程的形式学到专业知识与资格,通常修业年限以一年为主。

Postgraduate Diploma课程的设计主要是对已有大学学士学位,而又想习得一技之长的人而开设的。尤其是已有工作经验,但想提高其教育资格者。此种课程通常为期一年,上课的内容不如硕士学位的广泛。
第2个回答  2011-02-06
A Graduate Diploma is generally a postgraduate qualification, although some graduate diplomas involve the study of undergraduate level courses. The diploma is normally taken following a Bachelor's degree and a successful award allows progression to a Masters Degree without having received Honours with the Bachelor's Degree.

A postgraduate diploma is a a postgraduate qualification awarded typically after a bachelor's degree. It can be contrasted with a graduate diploma. Countries which award postgraduate diplomas include Australia, Canada, Chile, Scotland, England and Wales, South Africa, India, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Singapore.