

But how does learningby exporting occur at the level of the individual firm? In the context oforganizational learning theory, trade is viewed as a process of knowledge andlearning accumulation that takes place within the firm (Barkema & Vermeulen,1998; Yeoh, 2004). More specifically organizational learning studies argue thatexposure to foreign markets leads to higher level or double-looped learning thatallows firms to carry out both within-paradigm (improvements to existingproducts) but also across paradigm (radically new product development)improvements. Exposure to foreign markets enhances a firm’stechnological (but also marketing) knowledge, which in turn forms the basis forthe development of further innovations (Yeoh, 2004). Exporting thus provides firms with (at least)two types of knowledge, both of which can help improve performance – knowledgeabout markets and knowledge about technology (Salomon & Shaver, 2005).Since firms gain a lot of market knowledge via customers, exposure to exportmarkets helps them to alter and customise their product range to the needs of differentinternational markets (Clerides, Lach, & Tybout, 1998). Foreign customersmay have different tastes andpreferences from domestic customers, and exposureto foreign markets therefore provides additional information not available tonon-exporters. But this effect may go beyond mere product modification,especially in the case of business-tobusiness exports. Here, exporters maybenefit from the technology of their customers, with direct information ontechnical and product development often being provided (Clerides et al., 1998;Salomon & Shaver, 2005). Exporting also allows access to professional andtechnical expertise via industry and trade associations which may not exist inthe firm’shost economy (Salomon & Jin, 2010). Therefore exporting boosts theinnovative capacity of firms through providing access to important channels oftechnology and learning.
