帮忙为这幅图写一篇2人英语对话 3分钟左右, 为了口语考试。急求!谢谢了!

不用弄成对话形式了 就评议一下这幅图片 3分钟左右 谢谢了

第1个回答  2010-12-28
The son was chatting on the internet..
Mam: Son, Are you busy? I have something to tell you, I saw an old lady when I shop around this morning, the lady..
Son: Mam! Didn't you see I am working?! I have so much work to finish, don't interupt, ok?
Mam: Oh sorry about that..
I just... just haven't seen you for a while...
Son: Alright, I miss you as well, but you see, I was very busy, we'll talk later, ok?
Upset shows on the mam's face
Mam: Alright son, I can understand that, take care youself and don't forget your dinner, I put it on the table at the right corner..
Son: Mam!
Can you stop doing that really piss me off?!
Mam: .....
tears showed up in her eyes, she leaved without any word..
第2个回答  2010-12-28
太难了 评议没问题 可是对话形式有些难为人。
a:son,you take too much time in computer .
b; i am so busy now ,ok leave me my own time .
a;it is usefull you working ?
b; come on .it is my business,and it is my work you do not understand.
a;maybe,buti think you should have a time with me .
b; you ?we live together so long time .
a;but you do not talk to me since you got the job.
b;you know my job is talking but no talking to you mum.
a;talk with ladies ? it is your job ?
b;yes ,it is my job .
第3个回答  2010-12-28
Mom: How are you, son?
Son: Good.
Mom: What are you doing. You seem so devoted.
Son: Chatting. I mean, online chatting. Mom, don't distract me. I am busy.
Mom: Who do you chat with?
Son: Strangers. Mom, please don't talk to me now.
Mom: Mom wants to chat with you too. Don't talk to strangers. It's not safe.
Son: It's safe. Don't worry. Mom, you can go to watch TV.
Mom: I watched it for the entire morning. I felt tired.
Son: Why not to go outside for a walk?
Mom: I remember when you were a kid, I always took you outside, like our community park. I was so happy to see you run and jump around me. At that time, you always wanted me to carry you when you were tired.
Son: ...Mom. I am sorry. I will turn off my computer right now. Let's go outside for a walk together.
Mom: It's ok, son. Don't need to turn it off. Just have a break when your eyes get tired.
Son:I insist, mom. I want to spend time with you. I shouldn't have talked to you in that way earlier. You are much more important than those strangers. I love you, mom.
Mom: I love you too, son. Ok. If you want to go outside with me, be ready soon.
Son: Sure, mom. I will be ready in 2 minutes!本回答被提问者采纳