

第1个回答  2011-01-17
1,He has read that book many times, and now he can remember every word.
2,If you give me another chance, I will certainly do better.
3 Having been warned to dike robbery, they stayed away from dark streets.
4 While she was doing a full-time job , she was also dealing with family affairs very well.
5,The school on the opposite of the street was built in 2000
第2个回答  2011-01-17
1、He have read that book many times and remembered it word for word now.
2、If i'm given another chance, I must be able to do it better.
3、Due to be cautioned to watch out for robbing, they are far away from dark streets.
4、She does a full-time job and deal with housework very well at the same time.
5、The school across the street was built in 2000.
第3个回答  2011-01-17
1. He has read this book for many times. Now, ha can remember every word and sentence in it.
2. I will do better, if I could be given an opportunity again.
3. Warned be wary of plunder, they stay far away from dark streets.
4. she manages the housework for the best, while having a full-time job.
5. The school, in the opposite of the street, was built in 2000.
第4个回答  2011-01-17

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第5个回答  2011-01-17
1,He has read the book many times, and now he remembes
every single word or phrase.
2,If I were given another chance, I will do better .
3,Because have been warned to levee robbery, they would far away from the dark streets.
4,She handles the family affairs well ,while doing a full-time job.
5,The school oppsites the street is is set up in 2000 .
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