

第1个回答  2016-04-20
An Unfortunate Day For Me
Yesterday was rather unfortunate for me. I did not get up until the sun
rose high up in the east sky for I was watching TV program until midnight.
After getting up in the morning, I suddenly discovered that the electricity
from the mains had been cut and there was no water in the water pipe.
Without cooking my breakfast, I was running to the bus station with an
empty stomach. While running I had a bad fall and almost broke my
left leg. While I was hobbling to the bus station, I saw the first bus was
running away. The second bus would not arrive until an hour later.
When I finally arrived at our school, the first two classes had already
finished. While I was sitting down at my desk, I found that I had left my
books at home. I only brought an empty school bag to school.
What an unfortunate day I had!本回答被网友采纳