

第1个回答  2024-05-01
20 Strategies for Quickly Memorizing English Words
1. Logical Memory: Remember words by their internal logical relationships or the external relationships between words.
- Treat clusters of letters as a single unit, such as "ight" in light, right, fight, night, might, sight, and tight.
- Associate old with new, such as "bridge" related to "ridge" or "sharp" related to "harp."
- Associate new with old, as in "cleave" related to "leave" or "tact" related to "act."
2. Associative Memory:
- Link sound to form, using phonics rules to remember words.
- Connect form to meaning, as with "eye" resembling two eyes or "banana" shaped like bananas.
- Identify onomatopoeic words that mimic actual sounds, such as "gong" for a gong or "coo" for a cooing sound.
3. Categorical Memory: Group words into categories like animals, plants, etc., using a categorical dictionary for reference.
4. Flashcard Memory: Create flashcards with words, including their form, part of speech, meaning, phonetic spelling, collocations, and examples.
5. Sensory Memory: Engage multiple senses when memorizing: listen, read, write, look, and think.
6. Software Memory: Utilize computer software like Happy Dictionary, Skysoft PowerWord, or I Love Vocabulary for interactive learning.
7. Compound Word Memory: Learn words by analyzing their roots, prefixes, suffixes, derivatives, and compounds.
8. Mnemonic Memory: Use visual aids like charts to associate words with images, enhancing recall.
9. Gamified Memory: Play games that involve words to learn in a fun, social setting.
10. Musical Memory: Memorize words by singing along with English songs, using resources like "Listen and Learn" or "English Through Music."
11. Contextual Memory: Learn words through reading articles, novels, and other texts at an appropriate level of difficulty.
12. Synonymic Memory: Associate words with their synonyms to understand meaning without focusing on differences.
13. Antonymic Memory: Pair words with their antonyms to expand their semantic range.
14. Dictionary Memory: Use a dictionary as a tool for memorization, focusing on one word at a time.
15. Review Memory: Regularly review words to reinforce learning and prevent forgetting.
16. Brand Memory: Spot words in brand names and advertisements encountered in daily life.
17. Comparative Memory:
- Compare words across languages, such as "mama" and "cigar."
- Contrast singular and plural forms, like "good" and "goods."
- Differentiate homophones, for example, "right" and "write."
- Distinguish between masculine and feminine forms, as in "actor" and "actress."
18. Contextual Memory: Understand the primary, derived, and metaphorical meanings of words.
19. Relational Memory: Connect words to their context within sentences or to phrases and collocations.
20. Integrated Memory: Combine multiple methods for word memorization to exploit their strengths.