
我们的班干部,我们都要听她的,大家猜猜她是谁? 他个子不高,很瘦,他学习很认真,但是他说话很搞笑,喜欢打篮球,猜猜他是谁? 她是个很高又很苗条的漂亮女孩,带着眼镜,她擅长英语,她是谁? 他皮肤白,个子高高的很瘦,他上课最喜欢睡觉,他是谁? 她

第1个回答  2015-05-15
She is our class leader, we all have to listen to her. Guess who is she?
He is not tall, and very thin. He is very serious about learning, but he can be very funny. He likes to play basketball. Guess who is he?
She was a very beautiful and slender girl, wears glasses. She is good at English. Who is she?
He has fair complexion, tall and very thin. He like to sleep in class the most. Who is he?本回答被网友采纳