

第1个回答  2014-03-01
Verdi is Italy the great composer, is one of the most influential in the world in nineteenth Century in the field of musicians. He was born in Parma in October 10, 1813, area of buseto near the city of dragon clay town, his father is a small restaurant, the mother is a textile worker, very poor. When he was told a local organist at the age of eighteen to study music, full of enthusiasm for the Milan School of music, but he was not accepted, only to personal identity to a professor studying composition. In 1833 returned to Busetto, Ren Orchestra conductor. In 1839, he staged his first opera "Oberto in Milan". The play has been widely recognized by the public, said he is a great composer. Verdi's heart with a strong nationalist enthusiasm, his love for his motherland. The success of his March 9, 1842 opera "Nabuk" and staged in Milan. This is a reflection of Italy's nationalist passion for opera, it gave the people of Italy with great spirit. Verdi has been more public praise, and so on the large-scale opera creation. In the arts, he was a very independent opinion Opera master, is a great passion for Italy national culture of music composer. He did not follow blindly, not conservative, to accept new ideas at the same time, and based on the inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional music culture. Due to the tireless efforts and perseverance, he created many successful touching classics, which effectively promoted the full development in the second half of the nineteenth Century Italy opera. So in a galaxy of talents, genius musician in Europe with his own personality style of music occupies a space for one person, it can cause we are all thinking about how to form their own characteristics of creation to him.
Before the creation of "La Traviata", Verdi's works using a historical war theme, when the democratic revolution into the low tide, people began to pay attention to the life, aesthetic changes, Verdi is no exception to the human nature, life tragedy with concern and profound thinking, put more attention to the little guy, the lives of ordinary people, with sympathy and compassion to depict their lives, the opera "La Traviata" is the creation of this period. Coupled with Verdi's own emotional experience, so he works in the tragic female characters who find resonance, deepen the understanding of the characters tragic understanding.
Verdi hope that through the tragic image of works to arouse people's sympathy, the improvement of social morality, the moral influence people's opera. Verdi through the scene of the opera want people to abandon the outmoded social concept, arouse them to those moral and social status humble.
As a born in the bottom of the society, full of sincere love for the motherland people, Verdi put his own life on the bottom of the masses of sympathy and deep concern is reflected in its own opera creation, your source for the creation of opera to compatriots who love the motherland emotion internalization, onto a deep concern for human destiny on the. "La Traviata" is a tragedy caused millions of that era of social politics, economy and culture in the society, is a reflection of the status quo.
The opera "La Traviata" is three act opera, from the French writer Dumas novel of the same name, by the Italy writer Pi Yawei wrote the script script. It is about a love tragedy: Paris society courtesan Violetta, moved by the Provence youth al Fred is sincere and profound love, resolutely abandoned her lead a voluptuous life social life, with Alfred came to the outskirts of Paris, the country began a new life. However, the matter has been al Fred's father strongly opposes George Europe, he thinks that Violetta insults door Mei, demand Violetta to a they leave happy al Fred. In order to save al Fred's reputation and career, Violetta sacrifice, suffering great pain in heart, left him, returned to Paris, back to life in the past. Unaware of the truth of Alfred in a fit of rage humiliated violetta. Suffering from lung disease Violetta keep promise, in a fatal blow to Al Fred is still not clear. When George was finally moved by European Violetta sincerity, and finally to Alfred illustrate the story, Violetta has be at one's last gasp, in a hurry to Alfred arms, took her to the infinite love of love, the end of her young life.
第2个回答  2014-03-01
Sorry, that is too long to do.追问


第3个回答  2014-03-01
第4个回答  2014-03-01
YOu think too much