

第1个回答  2013-10-22
义辨析 lodging, accommodation, apartment, flat, quarters, suite, lodging:

accommodation: 泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地。

apartment: 通常指占用或居住时间较长的成套房间,在美国比较常用。

flat: 多用于英国、澳大利亚和新西兰,指同一层建筑物上组成一个居住单元的几个房间。

quarters: 指某一部分人集中的居住区。

suite: 可泛指任何设备完善的一套房间,但多指包括起居室

adj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的
adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地
n. 平地;公寓;平面
vt. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音
vi. 逐渐变平;[音乐]以降调唱(或奏)
Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London... 萨拉和丈夫还有孩子们住在伦敦中心城区的一间公寓里。
It started a fire in a block of flats... 大火是从一幢公寓大楼烧起的。
Later on, Victor from flat 10 called. 后来,10 号公寓的维克托打来电话

Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry... 只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。
After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat... 过了一会儿,他用右手把布抹平。
...windows which a thief can reach from a drainpipe or flat roof... 小偷从排水管或平屋顶上就可够到的窗户
The sea was calm, perfectly flat. 海面风平浪静,没有一丝波澜。

Two men near him threw themselves flat... 他身旁的两个男人直挺挺趴倒在地上。
As heartburn is usually worse when you're lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat. 通常躺着的时候胃灼热会更加厉害,所以应当避免平卧
Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand. 埃伦正一手托着一个方形的扁盒子沿私人车道走着。

To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain... 北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。
The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic... 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。
The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead. 公路平坦而笔直地向前延伸。
. faceless high-rise apartment blocks 千篇一律的高层公寓大楼

2. Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment. 公寓租金按全部住满为基础计算。

3. an apartment with off-street parking 有后街街边可停车的公寓

4. Someone's been snooping around my apartment. 有个人一直在我住所周围窥探。

5. Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment. 弗兰决定把房间彻底打扫一下。

6. We rented an unfurnished apartment. 我们租了一套不带家具的公寓。

7. They live in an apartment uptown. 他们住在市郊的一套公寓。

8. They've been squatting in an apartment for the past two years. 他们过去两年来一直擅自占用一套公寓。

9. This apartment's fine for two people, but not more. 这套房子两个人住挺舒适,但人再多就不行了。

10. The convertible sofa means that the apartment can sleep four. 有了这张折叠沙发,公寓里可以睡下 4 个人。

11. There's a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。

12. The rent on his apartment was his biggest monthly expense. 他的房租是每个月最大的开支。

13. The thief slipped out of the apartment without a sound. 小偷不出声地溜出了房间。

14. Her apartment was immaculate. 她的公寓房间洁净无垢。

15. The landlord is doing my apartment over. 房东正在翻修我的房子。

16. He rented an apartment uptown. 他在住宅区租了一间公寓。

17. Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 许多城市居民住在公共住宅楼里。

18. My apartment has been burglarized. 我的住宅失窃了。

19. This apartment rents cheaply. 这套公寓租价便宜。

20. Because of the housing shortage, many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment. 由于住房紧张,许多对夫妻只好挤在一栋公寓里。

1. They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat. 他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。

2. The countryside is flat and featureless. 这乡村一马平川,平淡无奇。

4. They were caught flat-footed by the attack. 他们冷不防遭到了攻击。

5. He spoke in a flat monotone. 他说话单调低沉。

6. tables that fold flat for storage 便于存放的折叠桌

7. She keeps her flat very tidy . 她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。

8. The car was going flat out at 120 mph. 那辆汽车以每小时120英里的速度急速行驶。

9. A flat electroencephalogram indicates a loss of brain function. 平直的脑电图表明脑部功能的丧失。

10. I unluckily had a flat tire on the way here. 到这儿来的路上,不幸我的车胎泄气了。

11. A flat tire put my bicycle out of commision. 车胎跑气使我的自行车无法使用。

12. This discovery disproved the idea that the world was flat. 这个发现驳斥了地球是扁平的看法。

13. He sliced the bread into thin and flat pieces. 他把面包切成薄片。

14. The thief took all my money and left me flat. 小偷拿走了所有的钱,使我身无分文。

15. The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat. 女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。

16. He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre. 他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。

17. The audience weren't very responsive and the jokes fell a bit flat. 观众反应平平,那些笑话没有太大效果。

18. It was because of the job that he had taken the flat. 他因为工作的原因租了那套公寓。

19. A friend of mine landed me a three-roomed flat. 我的一个朋友给我弄到了一套三居室的公寓。

20. The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months. 他们在伦敦公寓的租契再过几个月就期满了。

apartment n. 寓所,住房;房间;公寓楼;(有特殊用途或专属某人的)豪华寓所
1.(通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房 An apartment is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building

Christina has her own apartment, with her own car. 克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。
...bleak cities of concrete apartment blocks. 到处是水泥公寓楼群的沉闷的城市

2.(国王、王后、总统等要人居住的)套间,套房 The apartments of an important person such as a king, queen, or president are a set of large rooms which are used by them

the private apartments of the Prince of Wales at St James's Palace. 威尔士亲王在圣詹姆斯宫的私人套房