

第1个回答  2023-06-02

鱼的象征意义据说源于中国传统文化的英语是: It is said that the symbolic meaning of fish derived from traditional Chinese culture.

解析: “据说”翻译为 It is said that …,内容处理为“that”引导的主语从句,“源于”翻译为derive from。此处介绍鱼象征意义的历史,所以时态不再使用一般现在时,而是使用一般过去时。“中国传统文化”翻译为traditional Chinese culture。



译文: Fish is an indispensable dish for the dinner table on the Spring Festival Eve, because the pronunciation of “fish” is the same as that of “surplus” in Chinese.

解析:本句主干为“鱼是不可或缺的一道菜,因为……”,主句为Fish is an indispensable dish,后面的因为处理为because引导的原因状语从句。而“春节前夕餐桌上的”则修饰“一道菜”,处理成介词词组for the dinner table on the Spring Festival Eve作后置定语。“鱼”和“余”则按照中文原因打双引号。


译文: It is because of this symbolic meaning that fish is also given as a gift for relatives and friends during the Spring Festival period.

解析:“正由于…”是对原因部分的强调,所以原文处理为“it is + 强调部分 + that + 句子剩余部分”的强调句,“象征性的意义”译作symbolic meaning。


译文:Chinese people have the tradition of thrift, believing that the more they save, the safer they feel.

解析:本句的主干为“中国人有节省的传统”,翻译为Chinese people have the tradition, “节省的”译作of thrift跟在tradition后面补充tradition的内容。

由于英语习惯为一个主句一个谓语,且后半句的“他们”指前文的“中国人”,所以此处处理为现在分词作状语,believing that …“愈…,就愈…”处理为“the + 比较级 + 句子, the + 比较级 +句子”,即 the more they save, the safer they feel。


译文: Today, though people are getting increasingly richer, they still consider thrift as a virtue which deserves to be promoted.

解析:“尽管……”处理为though引导的条件状语从句,因为英语中关联词仅出现一次,所以后面的“但”不需要再翻译为英语中的but。文中“值得弘扬的”处理为定语从句跟在virtue后面对其进行修饰,译作which deserve to be promoted.
