

第1个回答  2023-02-16


  1.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.


  语言点1 a group of pop singers —个流行演唱组合

  表达一群(人 / 物)的常用短语:a group of;a crowd of;a party of;a crush of; a flock of;a Horde of;a mob of; a press of; a troop of;a troupe of等;

  a horde of mosquitoes 一群蚊子;a mob of criminals 一群罪犯

  语言点2 表达“人山人海”:a huge crowd of people; a river / sea of people

  2.At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.


  语言点1 at present = currently = now

  语言点2 visit在句中作“巡演”讲,并非“参观”。

  语言点3 1) all of the countries / nations 所有的国家

  2) all parts of the country 全国各地

  3) all parts of the world 世界各地

  4) all (over) the world = all the world over 全世界

  3.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.


  语言点1 will be arriving = will arrive将要到达(二者意思基本一样,但前者更强调计划性)

  此句还可改为:They will arrive here tomorrow.

  语言点2 arrive^词除了表示“到达”外还有“来到”、“出生”的意思:

  Good weather is arriving.好天气就要来了。

  My baby arrived last night.我的宝宝是昨天夜里出生的。

  Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.[谚语]欲速则不达。

  4.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.


  语言点1 will be coming by train乘火车来,by train在此作方式状语。(by +交通工具的用法)

  I often go to New Oriental School by bicycle.我经常骑车去新东方学校。

  语言点2 1) most of the +名词=most +名词:

  most of the young people = most young people 大多数年轻人

  most of the elders = most elders 大多数年长的人

  2) the young people = the youth 年轻人

  5.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.


  语言点1 the Workers’ Club工人倶乐部;the Workers’ Stadium工人体育场

  语言点2 总结名词所有格:

  1)一般情况下直接加“s” : an hour’s drive开车一个小时;a mile’s distance 一英里的距离

  2)以-s结尾的复数加“’”; 不规则复数名词后加“’”: ten hours’ walk走10小时的路程; children’s mother孩子们的母亲

  3)以-s结尾的单数人名,一般应加“’s”,在笔语中也有只加“’”的情况:Dickens’ novels 狄更斯的小说;Bates’ voice贝茨的声音

  6.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.


  语言点 stay一词常表示“停留,保持”:stay single保持单身;stay at home待在家里;stay overnight住一夜

  7.During this time, they will give five performances.


  语言点1 during prep.在……的期间;在……的时候:during the day / morning / evening在白天/早上/晚上;This little boy fell asleep during the lesson.这个小男孩在上课时睡着了。

  语言点2 give performance (to perform for an audience)为观众表演;give a recital 表演独奏;give a solo concert举行独奏音乐会

  8.As usual, the police will have a difficult time.


  语言点1 比较学习:usually, as usual, than usual

  usually通常地;as usual和往常一样; than usual比往常(有比较成分)

  语言点2 the police为复数含义,表示“警察们”

  语言点3 have a good time 过得开心;have a difficult / hard time 日子难过;have a hot time 日子很不好过

  9.They will be trying to keep order.


  语言点 keep相关短语:keep order维持秩序;keep peace维持和平;keep quiet保持肃静;keep silence 保持沉默;keep guard 站岗;keep secret 保密;keep regular hours 早睡早起

  10.It is always the same on these occasions.


  语言点 on these occasions在这种场合=in this situation在这种形势下=under the condition在这种条件下


  1.I had an amusing experience last year.


  2.After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.


  语言点1 此句时间状语从句为“after +过去完成时”,主句用一般过去时。

  语目点2 “动词+ on”表示继续做某动作:drive on继续开车;walk on继续走;swim on继续游泳; ride on继续骑车;study on继续研究

  语言点3 介词短语in the south of France 作 village的后置定语。另举例:I like the hills in the west of Beijing..我喜欢此京西部的小山。

  3.On the way, a young man waved to me.


  语言点1 on the way途中,在路上

  语言点2 wave to sb.向某人招手,可用于下列四种情况:1)问候; 2)再见; 3)寻求帮助; 4)发出信号

  4.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.


  语言点1 对比学习:

  1)I stopped the car.我停下了车。(强调我的动作,文中省去the car。)

  2)The car stopped.车子停了。(强调车的动作。)

  语言点2 ask sb.for sth.向某人请求某事:ask me for a lift向我请求搭便车;A beggar asked me for money when I was walking on the street last night.昨晚我在街上闲逛时,一个乞丐向我 要钱。

  5.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.


  语言点1 关于“一……就”的表达:

  1)as soon as

  As soon as I had entered the bedroom, I got sleepy.我一走进卧室就想睡觉。

  As soon as he had seen the water, he wanted to go fishing.他一看到水就想钓鱼。

  2)the moment(that)…

  The moment I had seen you, I fell in love with you.在见到你的那一刻,我就爱上了你。

  3)the minute / second / instant (that)…

  The instant my brother had fallen in the water, I jumped into the river.


  语言点2 in / into + language用/成为……语言

  He replied in English.他用英语回答。

  Please translate this sentence into Chinese.请把这个句子翻译成中文

  语言点3 in the same language作状语。


  ——Could you give all of your money to me?

  ——“Of course not,” M she replied.(或she replied to me.)

  6.Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.


  语言点1 表达“除了……之外”的重点短语:

  1)apart from和exccpt for常用在句首,后不加句子(不包括其后所跟的内容,相当于without )。

  Except for being too long, this is a wonderfiil movie.除了有一点长之外,这是一部很不错的电影。


  All students went to the cinema except you.除了你之外,其余所有的学生都去了电影 院。(唯独你没去)


  They went to the cinema besides me.除了我之外,他们也去了电*。(我去了)

  4)in addition to可用在句首,亦可用在句中。

  In addition to this book, I possess lots of books.除了这本书之外,我还有很多书。

  语言点2 at all意为“根本”,一般在句子中起强调作用。

  You do not know anything about cooking at all.你对烹任根本就一无所知。

  7.Neither of us spoke during the journey.


  语言点 比较学习“...of+范围”结构的短语:

  1)neither of两者中任何一个都不可以(谓语动词一般用单数)

  Neither of them has train tickets.他们俩都没有火车票。

  2)either of两者中任何一个都可以

  Either of the brothers will come.这兄弟俩中会来一个。

  3)both of两者都可以

  I will take both of the toys.两个玩具我都买了。

  4)which of哪一个(两个,三个或以上)

  Which of the English books do you like best?这些英语书中你最喜欢哪一本?

  5) all of三者或以上

  All of boys and girls like to eat candy.所有的男孩和女孩都爱吃糖果。

  6) none of三者或以上都不可以

  None of soldiers survived the war.在这次战争中士兵们无一生还。

  8.I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, ‘Do you speak English?'.

  就在我快到城镇的时候,年轻人突然慢慢地问道:“您讲英语吗? ”

  语言点1 nearly = almost几乎

  I saw almost all students in this town.我差不多见到了这个镇上所有的学生。

  语言点2 when在这里不能译为“当……时候”,而应译为“就在此时”,相当于just then。

  9.As I soon learnt, he was English himself.


  语言点1 as引导从句+主句的结构:

  As we know, he is an English teacher.正如我们所知,他是一个英语老师。

  As he told, all students went out.就像他说的,所有的学生都出去了。

  As the teacher pointed out, one is never too old to learn.就像老师指出的,一个人永远应该是活到老学到老。

  语言点2 himself为反身代词,在书面表达中经常出现在句尾表示强调。


  1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.


  语言点1 此句told me that为典型的间接引语表达形式。

  My manager told me that business was quite good.我的经理告诉我生意好极了。

  语言点2 told me that..., that后为告诉我的内容,为宾语从句,间接宾语。

  2.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.


  语言点1 比较学习:nervous指对正在发生的事感到紧张;worry指对将要发生的事情感到担心。

  语言点2 felt是feel的过去式,feel为半连系动词,后常加形容词作表语,如: feel angry感到生气;feel hot感到热;fal tired感到累

  常用的半系动词:feel, get, taste, smell, sound, turn, seem 等。例如:sound good听起来不嫌;taste sweet尝起来甜;smell terrible闻起来恶心

  语言点3 比较学习:office办公室(上班的工作地点);study书房(家里的一间房)

  3.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.


  语言点1 1) look up向上看,抬头;2)look down向下看,低头;3 ) look up and down上下打量,瞧不起

  语言点2 比较学习:desk桌子,指办公桌或写字桌;table桌子,饭桌或麻将桌。

  4.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad.


  语言点1 此句中after引导时间状语从句。had sat down是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时。

  语言点2 主句he said that..,变成直接引语为:he said,“Business is very bad.”

  5.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.


  语言点1 此句中包含典型的间接引语,that引导的间接引语为宾语从句。'

  语言点2 pay such large salaries = pay such high salaries 支付如此巨额的工资

  6.Twenty people had already left.


  语言点 already意为“已经”,该词经常与完成时态连用,强调结果:Have you finished your composition already?你已经完成作文了吗?

  7.I knew that my turn had come.


  语言点 turn在此为名词。对比:

  1)(口语)Ifs my turn. = I am the next one.该轮到我了。

  2)(书面)My turn has come.= My chance / opportunity has come.该轮到我了。

  8.‘Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.


  语言点 in a weak voice用微弱的声音(由于心虚或虚弱);in a whisper小声说话,耳语;in a strcmg voice用有力的声音;loud voice高声;low voice低声

  9.‘Don't interrupt,' he said.


  语言点 Don’t...结构为祈使句,经常表示一种命令:Don’t look at me.别看着我! Don’t cry.不准哭! Don’t say no.别说不!

  10.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 a year!


  语言点1 receive表示客观上收到,在此并不是马上给钱,只是个口头。

  语言点2 would为will的过去式,过去说要在将来加钱,因此用过去将来时。

  语言点3 extra意为“额外的”,作定语,修饰pounds,表示额外的钱。

  比较学习:extra,more, others, another

  1)数量+ extra / more + 名词:two extra / more pens

  2)数量+ others:two others

  3)another + 数量 + 名词:another two pens, another two weeks
