

第1个回答  2022-10-08
Dear FutureMe, 亲爱的未来的我, I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday. 33 is your lucky number so if things have not started to look up, maybe THIS will be the year (finally!). And if things have started to look up already, hooray and congrats! Keep up the good work! 希望你过33岁生日时比32岁生日更兴奋。33是你的幸运数字,如果形势还没好转,也许就是今年了(终于!)。如果情形已有改变,那万岁和恭喜了!继续保持! You had a lot of things to face at your 32nd birthday. It was a very, very hard year. I felt like I aged 10 years this past year. Hopefully you have made up some of that lost time by now. 你32岁的时候有很多事情要面对。那是非常,非常艰难的一年。我感觉这一年老了十岁。希望你现在已经弥补了失去的时间。 I hope you have overe your depression. I hope you finally get it. I hope your brother is still sober. I hope he has not relapsed too many times. I hope your family is not angry with him. I hope his disease has not torn us apart. I hope you still give him passion and unconditional love despite how frustrating he can be. I hope he is still with his fiance and if not, then I hope he is with someone who can give as much love as she did and love him despite his HIV and drug addiction. I hope he is healthy. I hope he is not lonely. I hope he has not relapsed. I'm really scared for him right now. It has been very hard. I have much doubt in my head sometimes. I only want the best for him. I pray that he can fight this disease. Are you actually praying to God yet? I was an atheist but this last year has made me more spiritual than ever. Have you made a mitment to God yet? I hope you have not fotten that God has been trying to reach you with all that is going on with your brother. I hope you have allowed him into your life. I hope your sister is still married and her damn hu *** and has not quit on her yet. I hope you don't lose sight of this opportunity right now to make changes with them!!!!! Don't let it slip by, PLEASE! 希望你不再抑郁,希望你最终理解这一切。希望你弟弟仍然清醒,不再频繁的复发。希望你家人不对他生气,希望他的疾病没把我们拆散。希望无论他有多令人失望,你都会同情他和给予他无条件的爱。希望他仍和他的未婚妻在一起,如果他们没在一起,我希望和他在一起的人能够给予他同样的爱,尽管他患有艾滋病,沉溺于毒品。希望他身体健康,希望他不孤独,希望他没再复发。我现在很怕他,这很辛苦。有时我有很多疑问,我只想对他好。我祈祷他能战胜疾病。实际上你向上帝祈祷了吗?我曾经是一位无神论者,但过去一年让我比任何时候都信教。你向上帝承诺了吗?希望你没忘记,上帝一直在努力帮助你弟弟。希望您允许他进入你的生活,希望你妹妹结婚了,她的丈夫没有跟她离婚。希望你不要错过眼前的机会,做出一些改变!!不要让它悄悄溜走,拜托! I hope you are still working in design and as passionate about it as ever. This year I did make some big decisions about my career and got accepted into a great school. I hope you are keeping up the good work with it. You have so much talent, intelligence and potential. Be flexible and passionate with yourself. 希望你还在做设计,而且更加充满 *** 。今年我在工作上做了一些重大的决定,并且被一所很好的大学录取了。希望你保持良好的状态。你有那么多才能,智慧和潜力。要灵活,对自己要有同情心。 Are you still training for triathlons or is your body too old for them? In any event, I hope you are still taking good care of yourself and you still look fantastic (I am sure you do regardless). 你还在训练铁人三项吗?或者你已经老了?不管怎样,希望你能照顾好自己,看起来还是很棒。(我确定你不会注意的) I hope you are in NYC and not in this silly town. You should be closer to family. 希望你在纽约市而不是在这个小镇。你应该与家人更亲近一些。 Hopefully there have been some positive changes. If not, then take some time to get back on track and make a new game plan. Give yourself a break, this thing called life isn't easy but you gotta give it some true effort.The only person who can change Jill's life is Jill. You deserve the best you can give yourself. 希望有一些积极的改变。如果没有,那么需要一点时间步入正轨,定一个新的计划。让自己休息一下,生活不容易,我们需要努力。真正能改变你的人是你自己。你可以给自己最好的,那是你应得的。 Love, 爱你的, Past Me 过去的我   给未来的自己要是写一封信的话,英语作品也是非常好的。
