
手机工作原理:声音转换成电子信号到达对方,然后再转换成声音。在人们的日常生活中使用性强 给人们带来了许多方便。但是手机发出的电磁波对人体有一定危害,在飞机场或飞机上打手机有可能会造成事故。

第1个回答  2009-02-05
Mobile working principle: the voices into electronic signals to reach the other side and then replaced by the voice. In people's daily use and strong to bring a lot of convenience. However, electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones on the human body have a certain hazards, in an airport or aircraft to fight mobile phone may be causing accidents.
第2个回答  2009-02-05
Mobile phone working principle:sound is changed into electronic signal,and then is changed into sound again.But the electromagnetic wave that a mobile gives off will do harm to human beings,and it may cause accidents when you make a call on a airplane or airport by mobile .本回答被提问者采纳