
(5) 每天吃蔬菜和水果是有好处的。
(9) 她有时中饭吃米饭和卷心菜。

第1个回答  2008-12-31
1.I’d like some juice.
2.Shall we get some carrots?
3.Do you have any circle cakes?
4.She wants to drink a glass of water.
5.It is good for us to have some vegetables and fruit every day.
6.Chocolate is a kind of dessert.
7.He enjoys eating meat such as beef,pork and fish.
8.How much do you know about food?
9.She sometimes has rice and cabbage for lunch.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-12-31
1.I'd like a cup of juice.
2.Shall we need to buy some carrots?
3.Do you have any round cakes?
4.She wants to drink a glass of water.
5.It's good to eat vegetables and fruit every day.
6.Chocolate is a kind of dessert.
7.He likes eating meat such as beef,pork and fish.
8.How much do you know about food?
9.She sometimes has rice and cabbage for lunch.
第3个回答  2008-12-30
1.I’d like some juice.
2.Do we need to buy some carrot?
3.Do You have some circular cake?
4.She wants to drink some water.
5.Eatting vegetables and fruit every day are good for your health.
6.The chocolate is one kind of sweets .
7.He likes eating meat,like beef,pork and fish.
8.How many do you the understanding have to food?
9.Sometimes,she eats rice and cabbage for lunch.
第4个回答  2008-12-30
1.I want a cup of juice.
2.Shall we get some carrots?
3.Do you have any circle cakes?
4.She wants to drink a glass of water.
5.It is good for us to have some vegetables and fruit every day.
6.Chocolate is a kind of dessert.
7.He enjoys eating meat such as beef,pork and fish.
8.How much do you know about food?
9.She sometimes has rice and cabbage for lunch.