

第1个回答  2009-01-03
Wudadao Sightseeing Street

Foreign villas are assembled in Wudadao District, which includes five main avenues of Machangdao, Munandao, Dalidao, Chongqingdao and Chengdudao. There are altogether 22 roads, with a total length of 17 kilometers and an area of 1.28 square kilometers. There are over 2,000 garden-style villas built in 1920s and 30s by different countries. It occupies 600,000 square meters of land and the total area is 1,000,000 square meters. There're over 300 sites of scenery buildings and famous people. It is recognized globally as the Exposition of Neoteric Architectures.

Wudadao tourist route takes as the main line the former residences of Xu Shichang, Cao Kun, Pan Fu, Gu Weijun, Zhao Shaoceng, Gong Xinzhan, Yang Huiqing, Zhu Qiqian and a prince. It also incorporates the famous people and their residences, anecdotes and foreign buildings. By that, it becomes a unique tourist route that can present the changes over the past hundred years in China.

Riding & sightseeing in European style carriage:

Minyuan Stadium-Chong qing Avenue-Kunming Road-Changde Avenue-Hengyang Road-Dali Avenue-Kunming Avenue-Munan Avenue-Hong Kong Road-Chongqing Avenue-Xinhua Road-Luoyang Avenue-Hunan Road-front door of Minyuan Stadium, running time: 1 hour.本回答被提问者采纳