2015年新出的灰姑娘英语简介 英语的

•母亲的早逝令灰姑娘辛德瑞拉再也感受不到母爱的温暖,失去了公主般的童年。后母和她的两个女儿,无时无刻不在想方设法折磨仙德瑞拉,给她糟糕的住处、做不完的家务。幸好得道多助、失道寡助,心地善良的辛德瑞拉结识了一大班朋友,老鼠、鸟儿、小狗都是守护在她周围的老友记。王子要在全城寻找王妃,仙德瑞拉用破旧零碎的布料赶做了一件礼服,当然这远远比不上心花怒放的姐姐们穿得艳丽。然而,灰姑娘得到了魔法相助,在神奇的法术中她美得倾城,坐着南瓜车来到王子的宫殿,与王子翩翩起舞。她知道,法术会在12点之前统统消失,大钟敲响的那一刻,她慌忙逃离王子,情陷已深的王子拿着灰姑娘不小心遗下的玻璃鞋,誓要从百万女子中找到一生中的最爱,最后他们在一起了。 是英语简介。英语的英语的

第1个回答  2015-03-31
Ella lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Her father married another women. This women brought two daughters of her own. When Ella's father suddenly became ill and died. This left Ella with her stepmothers and stepdaughters. Money was short so the stepmother sent away the servants . She treated Ella as her servant and forced her to sleep at the attic. One morning, Ella woke up with cinders and ashes on her face so her stepsisters called her Cinderella. Ella went for a ride in the forest where she encounters the Prince. She did not know that the man who she encounter was the Prince. The Prince expressed that he would like to see her again. The Prince cannot stop thinking about Cinderella so he held a ball. The stepsisters were very excited. As the stepsisters and Cinderella were getting ready for the ball, her stepmother told her that bringing her to the ball will be a disgrace. She torned Cinderella's dress. Cinderella was very upset and a beggar women appeared. She turned out to be Cinderella's fairy God mother. She turned the pumpkin into a carriage, mouse into horses, goose as the coach men, and lizards as the footmen. Finally, Cinderella arrived at the ball. The whole court was entranced by Cinderella, including the Prince earning her to be the first person to dance with the Prince. They went to the secret garden and when the clock strikes twelve,it forced Cinderella to leave. The Prince wanted to find Cinderella by letting every maiden to try on the glass slipper. At last, the duke arrived at the Cinderella stepmother's house. Earlier on, her stepmother found out that it was Cinderella who danced with the prince and shut her in the attic. Luckily, the mice helped Cinderella open the window so that they could hear Cinderella sing Lavenders Blue. She was requested to present herself to the Prince(king). She left with the prince and lived happily ever after. They were married. *{ sorry might be some grammar, punctuation,and spelling error}*本回答被网友采纳