

第1个回答  2014-02-16
(1) AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) cut cut hit(打) hit hit hurt 伤害) hurt hurt let(让) let let put(放) put put read (读) read read *spread (伸展/ 传播) spread spread set (设置) set setshut (关上) shut shut(2) AAB型(动词原形与过去式同形) beat(跳动) beat beaten(3) ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形) become(变成)became become come(来) came come run(跑) ran run(4) ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形) dig(挖) dug dug get(得到) got got hang(吊死) hanged hanged hang(悬挂) hung hung hold(抓住) held held lay (产卵) laid laid shine(照耀) shone shone sit(坐) sat sat win (赢) won won meet(遇见) met met keep (保持) kept kept sleep(睡) slept slept sweep(扫) swept swept feel(感觉) felt felt stick (粘贴 /刺) stuck stuck smell(闻) smelt smelt leave(离开) left left build(建设) built built lend(借出) lent lent send (传送) sent sent spend(花费) spent spent lose (丢失) lost lost burn (燃烧) burnt burnt stand(站) stood stood learn(学习) learnt learnt mean(意思是)meant meant catch(抓住) caught caught teach(教) taught taught bring(带来) brought brought fight (战斗) fought fought buy(买) bought bought think(想) thought thought hear (听见) heard heard sell(卖) sold sold tell(告诉) told told say(说) said said find(找到) found found feed ( 饲养 )fed fed have/has(有) had had make(制造) made made spell (拼写)spelt/spelled spelt/spelledsmell (闻)smelled /smelt smelled /smelt understand(明白)understood understood burn(燃烧) burnt / burned burnt / burned *lead (领导) led led (5) ABC型(动词原形、过去式与过去分词三者不同形) begin(开始)began begun drink(喝) drank drunk hide (躲藏)hid hidden ring(铃响) rang rung sing (唱) sang sung swim(游泳) swam swum blow(吹) blew blown draw (画) drew drawn fly(飞) flew flown grow(生长) grew grown know(知道) knew known throw(投掷)threw thrown show(出示) showed shown break(打破)broke broken choose(选择)chose chosen forget(忘记)forgot forgotten (forgot) freeze (结冰/ 凝固)froze frozen speak(说) spoke spoken wake(醒) woke woken drive(驾驶)drove driven eat(吃) ate eaten fall(落下) fell fallen give(给) gave given rise(升高) rose risen take(取) took taken mistake(弄错)mistook mistaken ride(骑) rode ridden write(写) wrote written do(做) did done go(去) went gone lie(平躺) lay lain see(看见) saw seen wear (穿) wore worn steal (偷) stole stolen be ( am, is, are )(是) was, were been *shake(动摇) shook shaken </B> 动词变名词

1.v+ ment 结尾
achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertisingagree— (in )agreementapartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit奉献—commitmentcompliment 称赞,恭维develop---developmentdisgree—disagreementdepartment 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营 管理
2.V+ tion 结尾
attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方
conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----educationdecide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduationoperate 操作,动手术—operationorganize----organization instruct—instruction 指导, 介绍invent—inventor / inventioninvite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的---pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法
3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌 ,出现perform----performance 演出4.V+ ing 结尾
bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语
5.V+ 其他Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止----behavior
know---knowledgefly—flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-----mixture 混合物press 按,压—pressure 压力sit-----seat 座位succeed-- successtour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客
Anger 生气-----angryhunger---hungryfog—foggy有雾的fur----furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的health---healthyluck---luckycloud---cloudywind—windyrain---rainysnow---snowysun—sunnytourist------touristy 游客多的business---busysalt 盐--- salty 咸的shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的
2.名词+ ed
balance –balanced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的distusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的
3.名词+ ful/less
meaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help---helpful / helplesshome—homeless 无家可归的colour---colourfulpain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的use---useless/ usefulthank—thankful 充满感激的peace 和平 ---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的
4.名词+ able
adjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortableknowledge---knowledgeablesuit 一套-----suitable 合适的
5.名词+ ous
enormous 巨大的danger—dangerousmystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 t confidence----confidentdifference---different
7. al 结尾
medicine 药----medical 医学的music---musicalnature---natural 自然的person---personal (私人的)nation—national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的tradition----traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的
8.名词+ ly
friend—friendlylive---lively 活跃的,有生气的love—lovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的
10. 其他
energy精力---energeticfool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的, 免费的height 高度—highillness 疾病--- illlove—loving 慈爱的death---deadpleasure---pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性—popularpride---proudscientist----scientific 科学的
方位的词表达 名词—形容词
East—easternWest—westernSouth—southernNorth---northernIn the west of ChinaIn the western part of China
四大洲 名词-----形容词Asia 亚洲–---- Asian
Africa 非洲----- AfricanEurope欧洲----- European America 美洲-----American形容词变副词1. 形容词+ ly
bad—badlybright—brightly 明亮地casual—casually 随意地clear—clearly 清楚地complete—completely 完全correct---correctly 正确地final--finallyfortunate—fortunately幸运地general—generally 一般来讲loud—loudlyparticular 特殊的,独特的—particularlypolite—politely proper 合适的-,恰当的---properlymain------mainly 主要地 most 多数-----mostly 多半,大多数normal---normally 正常地quick—quicklyquiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地real—reallyrecent 最近的----recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地---hardly 几乎不late 迟的—lately 最近;近来sad--sadlyslow---slowlyspecial—specially 专门,特殊地specific---specifically 特定地,明确地strong—strongly 坚决地, 强烈地sudden—suddenly突然usual—usually
2. 以le 结尾的 去e + y
comfortable---comfortablygentle—gentlypossible---possiblysimple ----simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible---terribly
3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasy—easilyheavy—heavilyhappy--happily4.特殊good—well好地 well 身体健康的 ,井true—truly
beauty 美,美人—beautiful—beautifullycare—careful—carefullycare—careless—carelesslydifference---different---differentlyhappiness—happy—happilyhunger—hungry--hungrilyhealth—healthy—healthilyluck—lucky—luckilynoise—noisy—noisilypride—proud—proudly骄傲地sadness—sad—sadlysafety 安全;安全的地方—safe—safelysilence—silent---silently 默默地success—successful—successfullytruth—true—trulyunluck—unlucky—unluckilywonder 奇迹—wonderful—wonderfully
early get up early ; an early trainlate be late for classcome late for schooldeep dive deep into the sea a hole deep largehigh jump high; a high mountainhard a hard question;a hard stone work hard / study hardrain hardlong It takes too long It takes a long timefar jump far My home is far from school straight a straight line go straight along here