(1)请帮我把以下我写的英文句子 修正语法 帮我改通顺一点的!!! 紧急需要修正


今天因为下雨的关系 所以我们没有带孩子出去散步以及去公园玩
所以整个早上我们都待在教室里面 老师先读了一点故事和circle time 让孩子们可以觉得有趣点
加上因为下雨,坏天气的关系 孩子们的确需要做些事情来转移他们的注意力
於是後来来了一个教跳舞的老师 她放了自己带的音乐 然後带著孩子们跳舞
孩子们都好开心好兴奋 一直跳来跳去的
看孩子们这样开心 我也觉得很开心

because is raining today, so we didn't go outside for walk and go to the park
we stay in the classroom for the all morning, my educator make a circle time and read a story for children
to make fun for them.
also for them not to feel bored.
plus is raining outside, the bed weather, children surely need to do something to get their attention
so there is a dansing teacher coming in our classroom, she play her own music and then bring children dancing
children are all feel so happy and exciting, they jumping around

我也跟著参与跳舞的活动 跟著孩子们一起跳
孩子们牵著我的手一起跳 真是让我感到兴奋极了
希望以後有机会的话 我也可以带著孩子们做类似这样跳舞的活动

通过这样的活动 不但可以发展和训练孩子们的体能

i participate the danse activity as well, follow the children
we hold the hands together, this makes me feel so exciting
hoping i will have chance to have this kinds of activity

through this kind of activity,they can develop and training their physical
but also help them develop their bodies
this is a great avtivity

在下午自由活动时 我看到班上有个孩子乱推人和打人
我立刻把这个打人和推人的孩子拉到一旁 用严肃的脸告诉他不可以打人和推人 相反的 我们要be gentle, be nice
後来我的老师告诉我说 她觉得我做得不错 但是需要改正一些地方
例如在教训孩子的时候 要用非常直接的方式 让那个孩子知道 打人和推人的方式是不对的
让这个孩子知道 打人和推人是会让人受伤 是会痛的
并且让这个孩子的眼睛看著你的眼睛 让他可以感觉到你是非常严肃认真的,这样孩子才会听

In the afternoon free movement when I see my class a child insurrection and push the people
I put this and push the kids to the next to the severity of the Kansu countenance unto him not to and the people instead of the I and they want to be gentle, and be

nice and it came my old teacher told me, and said she straightway and I think I do is nice but you need to correct some places, such as
teaching and taught children at the time that you want to use a very direct way to know that your children and the people of the way is not unto the
brethren to let him know that the people and the people of the consequences, in some way, for example unto him to look at his victim of child injuries port)
allows this child know that the people and the people of the Board is to have the wounded, the pain of the
thou shalt thou next time a child is not committed again
and let this child's eyes and your eyes allows him to be feeling that you are very serious from Gansu then validate it, and thou shalt be children The Board heard

谢谢我的老师 给了我正确的建议和指导
这真的是非常有用的,下次面对这样的问题时 我想我知道该怎麼解决类似这样的问题了

第1个回答  推荐于2016-09-29
We didn't take the children out to walk or to the park due to the rain. We spent the whole morning in the classroom. The teacher kept the children interest and not to make them bored by telling story and doing circle time with them. Rainy day could make children very depressed; we therefore had to shift their attention onother things. A dancing teacher was brought in to teach the children how to dance. The dancing teacher played out her own music and they all danced together happily. Seeing the children happy, I am happy too.

I joined in the dance with them as well as holding their hands in the dancing circle. The feeling of hands holding with these children makes me very excited and cheerful. I hope I could have this kind of dancing experience with children a lot more in the future.

It was free time in the afternoon. I saw a child in the class pushed and hit another child. I immediately pull the troubled child aside and told him/her that pushing or hitting others are bad behaviour. Instead, we should be gentle and nice. Later, my teacher said to me that I had done a good job. However, I could have been more straight forward to explain to the troubled child that pushing and hitting is not right and should let him/her know the consequence of pushing and hitting others. I should show him/her the injury caused by pushing and hitting so that he/she would know that those behaviours can cause pain to others. Besides, I should keep the troubled child to have eye contact with me in a way that he/she would know I took this matter very seriously.

I'm very thankful for the suggestion and guidance that my teacher gave me. The information is very useful. From now on, I would know how to handle this kind of situation in the future. Today, I learned a big and profitable lesson.本回答被提问者和网友采纳