

第1个回答  2024-07-02
1. 人的胖瘦有别,体重过轻则称为瘦,过重则称为胖。因此,需要一个标准来判断胖瘦,这个标准就是所谓的标准体重。
2. 在我国,尚未有统一的标准体重数据。普遍采用的计算方法主要有两种:
- 成年人的标准体重计算公式为:(身高 - 100)* 0.9(千克)
- 成年男性的标准体重计算公式为:身高 - 105(千克)
- 成年女性的标准体重计算公式为:身高 - 100(千克)
3. 军事科学院推出了一种适合中国南北地区的理想体重计算方法:
- 北方人的理想体重计算公式为:(身高 - 150)* 0.6 + 50(千克)
- 南方人的理想体重计算公式为:(身高 - 150)* 0.6 + 48(千克)
4. 儿童的 standard weight calculation is relatively simple:
- 1-6 months: birth weight + (month of age * 0.6)(千克)
- 7-12 months: birth weight + (month of age * 0.5)(千克)
- 1 year and above: 8 + (age * 2)(千克)
5. However, due to various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental conditions, it is difficult for individuals to conform exactly to the standard weight. It is important to understand that weight is not a fixed value but rather a range of values, which is considered normal when the actual weight falls within a range of ±10% of the standard weight. Weight that falls outside this range can be considered abnormal.
6. Being overweight is defined as the actual weight being greater than the standard weight but less than 20% higher. Obesity can be diagnosed when the actual weight is 20% higher than the standard weight, and the fat percentage exceeds 30%. Moderate obesity is diagnosed when the weight is 30%-50% higher than the standard weight, with a fat percentage of 35%-45%. Severe obesity is diagnosed when the weight is 50% higher than the standard weight, with a fat percentage exceeding 45%.
7. Based on the standard weight calculation, for a person standing at 152cm, the ideal weight should be around 50kg.详情