

第1个回答  2014-01-15
as family members,we had better communicate with each often and share happiness and hardships;meanwhile , we are supposed to care about others'physical and psychological needs.
第2个回答  2014-01-15
第3个回答  2014-01-15
My mother was recently to a senior sister English, the effect can not be said to be to get instant results, but it is also quite effective. Looked at the mother weekly commute, so hard, I can not help but said to his mother: "why don't you take the tuition?" Listen to me, my mother said to me seriously: "people ask for my services, that others to my letter recognition, I should do what I can. Between people, not only themoney, it should be more mutual love. Only you care, help others,others will be given to your care and help." Listen to the mother's words, I felt ashamed. Also sincerely admire my mother.
Mom make it a lesson to me. Indeed, need not just right, moneycharity between people. Concerned about helping each other is moreimportant. As long as you treat people with sincerity, you will also getone from others sincere heart. "Strangers when we meet", yes, the love between people is not only exist in between the relatives and friends, we should be full of enthusiasm to help anyone who needs us.My father, mother, is one family, all Chinese is one family, and even can be said that the whole world is a big family. Since we are allmembers of this family, it should be the same as our own family members love each other. Only among people is full of deep love,there will be more people willing to work with you to come with sb.;there will be more people willing to do your friends; you can enjoy more love from others. If everyone in the world has the love, the worldwill be more harmonious big family, unity.
Love, is the most warm words, live in a warm helping each otherloving atmosphere, good!
第4个回答  2014-01-19