

第1个回答  2023-05-31



seller:What can I do for you?

customer:I want to buy a present for my wife.

seller:what about this special designed vacuum cleaner?Look, it is designed for customers with high taste. Your wife will love it, and you will also benefit from this, because when your wife loves working with this, you will have the time to watch football games.



Tina:doyou know that the world's rainforest are in danger,jack?

Jack:oh, really?I am so sorry about it.

T:weshould strengthen people's awareness of environmental protection.

J:I can'tagree more.Besides, people may cut down the rainforests because of poverty. Sothe rich people may raise a fund for the poor one to help them.

T:I thinkinternational cooperation is also very useful and important.


A:The new manager is an old hard line regimental type.

B:Really! He is convinced that the hard sell is old hat.Says you have to mind your manners these days,hold your tongue with clients, and be gently persistent.

A:Yes,and everybody better stay in line.
