

第1个回答  2023-06-06


1、不定冠词(a/ an)+序数词表示"又一/再一"的意思。

The man had two houses in the country,and he bought a thirdone. 又买了一所房子。

2、定冠词(the)+序数词 表示"第几"的意思。

This is the second time I have come here. 第二次来。

3、the用在序数词和形容词最高级前.用来表示特定的人或事物(a/ an)用在序数词前用来表示又一/再一的意思,但不强调数的观念.只说明名词为不特定者.即不具体说明是何人何物。

如:I had two apples,but I still want a third one.我吃了两个苹果了,但我还想再吃一个(第三个)。 同学说的,“我吃了一个苹果,我还想再吃一个,这个时候用I want to eat a second one,那么有的时候我们也会说,哎,我还想再吃第二个啊”,

这时候也可以说I want to eat a second one .因为你强调“再”的含义。要是强调“这是我吃的第二个苹果”,强调“第几”,这时就用序数词,This is the second apple.


1、I ate another apple because they are so delicious. (我吃了另一个苹果,因为它们非常美味。)

2、He was still hungry after finishing his sandwich, so he grabbed another apple. (他吃完三明治后仍然感到饥饿,于是他拿了另一个苹果。)

3、She decided to have another apple for a healthy snack instead of reaching for junk food. (她决定吃另一个苹果作为健康的小吃,而不是去拿垃圾食品。)

4、The teacher told the student that he could have another apple if he finished his homework on time. (老师告诉学生,如果他按时完成作业,他可以再吃一个苹果。)
