2道英语选择题26. I thought the journey would be simple, but ______ could be further from the truth


第1个回答  2013-05-10
1. C nothing
I thought the journey would be simple, but nothing could be further from the truth.
整句意思:我以为这个旅行非常简单,但大错特错。nothing could be further from the truth: 大错特错、假到极点、荒谬绝伦。词组、固定搭配。所以选C。
2. C. must have been. During my journey, I started thinking about how difficult it must have been to travel before cars, trains and planes made our lives so much easier.
这句不选D,我认为不是语法错误。而是C更符合上文语境。上文他说他一开始以为旅行会比较简单,最后发现自己大错特错。上文用了一个nothing, 这句用must, 语气上比较对称。
