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第1个回答  2010-11-21
Jing: Hi, good morning, I am Jing, the HR Manager of the company. She is Jess, the Project Manager of the company. He is Sean, the Project Director.

Alfred: Nice to meet you, Jing. Nice to meet you, Jess. Nice to meet you, Sean. (Shake hands with the interviewers and sit down with the best interviewing smile on.)

Jing: Jess, Sean, shall we start the interview?

Jess & Sean: Ok, please.

Jing: Alfred, can you tell us about yourself?

Alfred: Well, I am Alfred Lim,28 years old, i'm graduated from Univertiy of Malaysia. I worked as Project Engineer in Company ABC after graduation. I worked there for about 3 years. Currently, I am with Company XYZ, holding the position of Senior Project Engineer.

Jess: Can you please tell us what was the reason that you resigned from Company ABC?

Alfred: The main reason was because I am seeking for a better career advancement as the size of the company ABC was very small.

Sean: Then, waht will be the reason that you want to leave Company XYZ?

Alfred: I have a lot of opportunities with Company XYZ, they send me to overseas for training, gave me a lot of chances to handle big projects but my work permit is going to due very soon, I need to come back to Malaysia, therefore, i am seeking a job in Malaysia.

Jing: Understand. The Company XYZ is a china based company. But what will be the reason you want to join our company?

Alfred: Your company is looking for a candidate that can speak and write Mandarin and English.A person that understand the China market, so, i believe I am qualify for this position. I understand from the job advertisement that your company is going to expand and a lot of projects coming in, I like challenges,so, I am very interested to join you all as part of a team.

Sean: We need a person that can work under pressure and can meet a tight deadline. Are you ok with this?

Alfred: No problem.

Jess: This person has to report to me, do you have any problem to work with a lady boss?

Alfred: I like to with talented person, so, i believe i have no problem to work with you.

Jing: Can you tell本回答被提问者采纳