

第1个回答  2022-10-06
Clear papers. Take all the papers on your desk
and around your desk
and put them in your inbox. If they don’t fit
just put them in a single pile. Now go through that pile
one document at a time. Don’t put any document back on the pile — deal with it immediately
and then move on to the next document
until you’ve cleared the pile (this may take several sessions for some people). With each document
your choices are to 1) Trash; 2) Delegate; 3) File immediately
4) Do it immediately; or 5) Put the action on your to-do list and the document in an “action” folder.

第一、整理文件。 将你办公桌上的所有文件放到你的文件柜中,如果文件太多那就将文件排放整齐就可以,现在按照顺序一项一项的处理这些文件,但是不要把任何文件放回文件柜中,而是立刻处理这些文件,然后处理下一个直至将所有文件处理完。将文件分类成:1)无用的,2)归档,3)紧急文件,4)马上处理,或者5)排出任务表并把这些文件放到执行文件夹下。
Clear clutter. Now clear as much of the other stuff on your desk as possible. And it’s all possible. Knick knacks
post-its and phone messages (those should go in the inbox to be processed)
most of your framed photos

第二、清理杂物 。现在马上除了你办公桌上的其他杂物,像小摆件、邮件和电话留言之类的东西统统放入柜子里。
Clear gear. You don’t need your office gear to be in sight. Put your pens
paper clips
digital camera
and any other assorted gear in a drawer
anized neatly. While you’re at it
clear out your drawers and only put in the essential stuff. It’s easier to keep anized that way.

第三、清理不必要的办公设备。 你不必将所有的办公设备放在面前,你只需要在用它们的时候把他们找出来就行;将你的笔、订书机、纸夹、数码相机和其他的办公设备放入抽屉里码好。用时取出,用完放回,这样非常方便管理这些设备。
Clear the walls. Clear every scrap of paper and most of the arork from your walls. You don’t want your surroundings to be too busy. Put one or o pieces of simple art on each wall.
第四、清理墙面 。将你办公桌周围的所有墙面上的粘贴纸和艺术品取下,不要让你的周围显得太凌乱,只要放一两张简单的艺术画做点缀就足够了。
Have an inbox. Have one inbox on your desk
and have all ining documents
phone messages and other papers be put into this inbox. Process it to empty at least once a day
using the steps above. From here on out
don’t let any other papers clutter your desk except the one thing you’re working on.

第五、要一个文件柜 。在你的办公桌上放一个文件柜,将所有到来的文件、笔记、电话留言和其他纸质文件都放到这个柜中,并利用第一种方法每天清理这些文件。从此以后你将不会被桌上堆满的文件所困扰,在你的办公桌上除了你正在用的资料将不会有其他的东西。
Simplify your puter. Clear your desktop of icons — it’s an inefficient way to launch documents or programs and anize yourself
and they’re just visual clutter. Clear everything from your menubar too
if possible. On your desktop
use a simple and serene picture as the background
and only have the document open that you’re currently working on. Turn off all email and IM notifications
and only do email at 2-3 set times a day. You don’t need all the interruptions.

第六、优化你的电脑。 将你电脑桌面上的图标按照你的习惯整理一下,使你调用文件和程序更有效,就像对待杂物一样处理这些虚拟物品;同时将菜单栏中的文件尽量清理。在电脑桌面上使用简单而宁静的图片做背景,并且只打开你现在要用的文件;关掉邮件和即时消息通知,每天查看2~3次邮件就行,这能保证你的工作不被打断。
Simple filing system. Use a simple alphabetical filing system with plain manila folders. Have plenty of labels and empty folders on hand
so you have nothing stopping you from creating a new file quickly and filing a document. Don’t let your filing pile up.

第七、简化备案方法 。使用字母排序方法将文件归类,在手边放置一些标签和空文件夹,这样你就可以快速的创建并归类文件。记住,永远不要让你的文件堆积起来。
edit. Once you’ve cleared the clutter
there’s usually still stuff you can clear away. Edit your surroundings. For each item in view
ask yourself
“Does this really need to be in view?” In most cases
the answer is no. Find a way to get it out of sight
or get rid of it. When you’ve gone through this process
do it again — you can usually still find ways to get something out of sight.

第八、清理、清理、再清理 。当你清理完你的杂物以后,你常会发现还有一些不必要的物品仍然在你的桌子上。清理你周围的一切,每当你看到一个物品的时候就问自己一下:“这个东西真的需要放在眼前吗?”在大多数情况下答案是否定的,那么就找到清理他们的方法。
Simple furniture. Go for the simplest furniture possible
a plain floor covering (solid-color wall-to-wall carpeting or undecorated hard-surface floors)
bare windows or simple window coverings such as blinds
plain shelves and lamps if necessary.

第九、简化家俱。 将家俱尽量简化,你只需要一层地板、一个窗户或许可以配上窗帘、一盏灯和一个衣架。
Simple decorations. Skip the bric-a-brac
and only have one or o simple decorations
such as a few flowers in a vase or a Zen garden.

第十、简化饰品。 你不需要昂贵的装饰,只用一两件简单的饰品装饰就好,比如一个花瓶。(翻译:译言网)
