you favourite dish


第1个回答  2022-10-11

you favourite dish

your favourite dish你喜欢的菜肴。

What are you good at cooking? What is your favourite dish?的回答

I'm good at making cakes, and my favourite is chocolate cake.
我擅长做蛋糕, 我最喜欢的是巧克力蛋糕

have our favourite dish


my favourite dish 作文

A delicious dish never fails to fascinate me, for people can rarely bear the temptation of the attractive looking and mouth-watering *** ell. Recently, I have traveled Guilin, Guangxi province, a worldwide famous place of interest. However, Beer Fish, a specialty of Yangshou, Guilin, Guangxi province, creeps on my list of favorite’s food. It is a great experience to taste this dish in the fantastic and beautiful Yangshou. With curiosity, I asked the restaurant owner why this dish was so famous and how to make it. Here is the recipe.

英语作文 my favourite dish

Spaghetti Bolognese

2 tbsp olive oil or sun-dried tomato oil from the jar
6 rashers of *** oked streaky bacon, chopped
2 large onions, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1kg/2¼lb lean minced beef
2 large glasses of red wine
2x400g cans chopped tomatoes
1x290g jar antipasti marinated mushrooms, drained
2 fresh or dried bay leaves
1 tsp dried oregano or a *** all handful of fresh leaves, chopped
1 tsp dried thyme or a *** all handful of fresh leaves, chopped
Drizzle balsamic vinegar
12-14 sun-dried tomato halves, in oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
A good handful of fresh basil leaves, torn into *** all pieces
800g-1kg/1¾-2¼lb dried spaghetti
Lots of freshly grated parmesan, to serve

Preparation method
Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan and fry the bacon until golden over a medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, frying until softened. Increase
the heat and add the minced beef. Fry it until it has browned, breaking down any
chunks of meat with a wooden spoon. Pour in the wine and boil until it has
reduced in volume by about a third. Reduce the temperature and stir in the
tomatoes, drained mushrooms, bay leaves, oregano, thyme and balsamic

Either blitz the sun-dried tomatoes in a *** all blender with a little of the oil to loosen, or just finely chop before adding to the pan. Season well with
salt and pepper. Cover with a lid and simmer the Bolognese sauce over a gentle
heat for 1-1½ hours until it's rich and thickened, stirring oasionally. At the
end of the cooking time, stir in the basil and add any extra seasoning if

Remove from the heat to 'settle' while you cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water (for the time stated on the packet). Drain and divide
beeen warmed plates. Scatter a little parmesan over the spaghetti before
adding a good ladleful of the Bolognese sauce, finishing with a scattering of
more cheese and a ist of black pepper.

have our favourite dish 什么意思

在西方不会说eat our favourite dish的,反而会用比较类似敬语或者一些词来辅助它们。所以have可以代表品尝,吃,享用等等词(在这句话里)


Come in and have your favourite dish.
-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助请追问,谢谢。

describe a favourite dish that your family cooks for a special day or festival什么意思


Come in and have a seat and have your favourite dish是什么意思


You have to do the _________ ( dish ) at home.

